Antwort Why isn t Dutch in Predator 2? Weitere Antworten – What happened to Dutch in Predator 2

Why isn t Dutch in Predator 2?
After being rescued from Guatemala, Dutch began experiencing adverse health effects akin to radiation sickness, apparently from exposure to the explosion of the Jungle Hunter's Self-Destruct Device.Dutch's Heat-Masking Mud Bath

So, Dutch decided to cover his entire body in mud. When the Predator passed by him, Dutch actually said out loud that it couldn't see him so that the audience would understand what was going on.Wanted Arnold to go with him to make Terminator 2.. And Arnold ended up picking that over Predator 2. That being said one of The Producers for the movie actually has another story that seems to be the

What happened to Dutch after Predator One : In the novelisation of Predator 2 (1990), Dutch is revealed to have been spoken to by Agent Peter Keyes of the OWLF as he was infirmed in a hospital, suffering from radiation sickness from how close he had been to the Yautja's explosion at the conclusion of Predator.

Was Predator 2 a success

The film has been viewed more positively over time, especially for Danny Glover's performance, the direction, and the musical score, and has gained a cult following in the decades since its initial release.

Who was Leona pregnant by in Predator 2 : Rick Cantrell
Who is the father of Leona's child Her husband and the father of her child is Rick Cantrell, a used car dealer who met Leona while she gave him a ticket for speeding. This fact is mentioned and verified in the Predator 2 novelization. He was never seen in the movie, however.

The theory argues that the Predator entering a countdown into the self-destruct device on its wrist allowed Dutch enough time to escape the explosive charge's effects, thus sparing his life.

Although Dutch's body was covered in mud, his eyes never were. Eyes give also off a lot of heat, so the Predator could have seen him. The Predator is shown to use thermal-imaging to track its targets; several times people's bodies appear as bright orange/red against a blue background.

Why didn’t they make a Predator 3

And they were happy for him to take on the job Robert. Met with Arnold and questioned him on what he wanted to see for this follow-up. Arnold at the time expressed an interest in reprising his roleThe theory argues that the Predator entering a countdown into the self-destruct device on its wrist allowed Dutch enough time to escape the explosive charge's effects, thus sparing his life.Predator 2 feels like it leans more into the horror genre than the action and while the Predator focus is good it loses a lot of points in style, plot and action. I don't want to harp anymore on Danny Glover but his role in this was ludicrous.

Predator 2 was largely a victim of Schwarzenegger's star power. He was already arguably the biggest movie star of the 1980s, and that ended up costing the sequel in the end. Danny Glover did an excellent job with the material presented to him, but he was no match for the guy who once played Conan the Barbarian.

Was Predator 2 a flop : The film grossed a total of $57 million, $30 million of which was from the United States. The worldwide box office revenue totaled $57,120,318 in ticket sales. The film became the lowest-grossing film in the Predator franchise.

Why did the predator spare Leona : Leona was one of few people to encounter the Predator in Los Angeles and survive; she was attacked by the creature on the Los Angeles subway, but it refrained from killing her when it discovered that she was pregnant.

Why did the Predator fight Dutch hand to hand

Trying to escape, Dutch accidentally falls into the river, where the water dissolves his muddy camouflage. As the creature corners Dutch, it removes its mask and plasma cannon to fight him hand-to-hand, having deemed him a worthy opponent.

However, the Pinkertons' pursuit, the death of his companions (especially Hosea), and the advancement of society made Dutch begin to become crazy and he became more and more ruthless, egotistical, narcissistic, and vindictive.How do they defeat Predator well Arnold Schwarzenegger covers himself in mud with predator's thermal can't see them and then he gets them exactly. And it works perfectly Predator.

Who turned down Predator 2 : Due to a dispute over salary, Schwarzenegger declined to return to the sequel, and Silver brought in three actors he had worked with in Lethal Weapon: Gary Busey, Steve Kahan, and Danny Glover in the role of Harrigan.