Antwort Why is the F-35 so bad? Weitere Antworten – Is the F-35 really that good

Why is the F-35 so bad?
The F-35's sweet avionics isn't its only cutting-edge capability. Each Joint Strike Fighter can sport four weapons internally while flying in combat or can be equipped with six additional weapons mounted on external hardpoints when flying in more relaxed environments. Essentially, the F-35 is armed to the teeth.For this reason it was clear that precision weapons were to be integrated on the F-35, the only exception to the rule being the internal gun on the F-35A or the external missionized gun pod for the F-35B and F-35C.Weapons payload: 8,160 kg – 18,000 lb

The F-35 can internally store up to six missiles for air-to-air engagements and eight bombs for ground attack missions. Additionally, it can carry up to four GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided bombs with a maximum range of 10 miles.

How fast is an F-35 : F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: Speed and Stealth

At Mach 1.6 (1,200mph) – 1.6 times the speed of sound – the Lightning II can operate as a long-range, supersonic fighter, even with a full complement of internal weapons and fuel.

Is the F-35 still bad

The Government Accountability Office released a report in September 2023 detailing how bad the situation is with the maintenance depots. It turns out that not only do F-35s break down more often than anticipated, but it takes far too long to repair them.

Does the F-35 have any kills : An Israeli F-35I scored the fighter type's first known air-to-air kill on Oct. 31, shooting down a cruise missile believed to be launched at Israel by the Houthi militia in Yemen, the Israel Defense Force said on Nov. 2.

As for why they didn't film with F-35s: others have already mentioned that the F-35's single seat makes it impossible to put actors in the cockpit. Other issues are that the F-35 has a lower thrust-to-weight ratio than the F-18, so maneuvers wouldn't look quite as cool.

Regardless of why Moscow has begun to utilize its cyber arsenal more frequently and effectively, the narrative that its electronics systems were able to hinder an F-35's missile launch remains unverified.

Is the F-22 better than F-35

The F-22 Raptor outperforms the F-35 Lightning II in speed and climb rate, making it a formidable interceptor. The F-35's versatility in armament surpasses the F-22, enabling it to serve various missions, including nuclear deterrence and air-to-ground strikes.Mach 10 represents an object's speed compared to the speed of sound, which is about 760 mph at sea level. Achieving Mach 10 speed is scientifically improbable for a manned aircraft, as the human body can't withstand the acceleration and G-force required.The maximum speed (reported) of an F-35 is mach 1.6.

Finally, the F-35 office said simulated combat scenarios have shown that four F-35s have won encounters when pitted against a four-ship of F-16s. "The F-35s won each of those encounters because of its sensors, weapons, and stealth technology," the statement said.

Can a F-22 beat AF 35 : F-22 Is Better at Aerial Combat

The F-22 is faster than the F-35 – MACH 2.2 versus MACH 1.6 for the Lightning II. The F-22 is 30 percent heavier, but it may be more maneuverable due to its Pratt & Whitney F119 engines providing more thrust (70,000 pounds) than the single Pratt & Whitney F-135 engine on the F-35.

Why is F-35 worse than F-22 : Operational capabilities

According to the EurAsian Times, the F-22 is also able to beat out its rival in terms of climb rate, able to ascend at over 62,000 feet per minute. The F-35, by contrast, is only able to climb at around 45,000 feet per minute.

Why can’t the F-35 shoot straight

But the Air Force model's gun is mounted inside the plane, and the test office “considers the accuracy, as installed, unacceptable” due to “misalignments” in the gun's mount that didn't meet specifications. The mounts are also cracking, forcing the Air Force to restrict the gun's use.

The question should be, “Is there any US aircraft that the Russian S-400 can't shoot down” The answer to that would be NO. The S-400 would have a lot of trouble with the US F-35 super advanced stealth plane but still, they would limit its operations to a mere reconnaissance plane.According to Turkish reports, the S-400 was able to detect the F-16, F-35, and even the F-22.

Can the Eurofighter beat an F-22 : At least two Eurofighters scored kills against F-22s… but there's more to this story. We know for sure that at least some (likely two) Eurofighters actually scored notional kills against their F-22 opponents in these drills.