Antwort Why is Orthodox different from Christianity? Weitere Antworten – What makes Orthodox different from other Christians

Why is Orthodox different from Christianity?
The Orthodox Church believes the Holy Spirit "proceeds from God the Father," while for Catholics and Protestants, the Holy Spirit "proceeds from the Father and the Son." Some Orthodox believers see the Catholic/Protestant version as underestimating the role of the Father in the Trinity, while critics of the Orthodox …The Orthodox Church differs substantially from the other Churches in the way of life and worship, and in certain aspects of theology. The Holy Spirit is seen as present in and as the guide to the Church working through the whole body of the Church, as well as through priests and bishops.All Orthodox Christians believe that the Son, that is to say, Jesus Christ, is God. With a profound comprehension of soul, they repeat the words of the Creed, “I believe . . . . and in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages.

How are Orthodox Christians different from Catholic Christians : The primary theological difference is that the Catholic Church believes the Holy Spirit proceeds from God the Father to Jesus Christ the Son, and the Orthodox Church believes the Holy Spirit proceeds only from God the Father.

Do orthodox Christians eat pork

The Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Eritrean Orthodox Church do not permit pork consumption. Hebrew Roots Movement adherents also do not consume pork. The pig tended to be regarded as a dangerously liminal animal.

Are orthodox Christians allowed to drink alcohol : Moderate consumption of alcohol is allowed on many days throughout the year, but more than that is drunkenness which is wrong and unhealthy both spiritually and physically, and worse yet, if this is not a one time occurrance but becomes frequent.

The Orthodox Church holds to many of the same beliefs as the Catholic Church, but in different ways. They would agree on the importance of scripture and tradition and the views on the Eucharist, but disagree as to which traditions. They do not hold to a Pope, but they do have their own ruling body.

One who does not pray to God cannot be a follower of Christ. In the Orthodox Church all prayer is Trinitarian. We pray in the Holy Spirit, through Jesus the Son of God, and in his name, to God the Father. We call God “our Father” because Jesus has taught us and enabled us to do so.

What Bible do Orthodox use

The Orthodox Study Bible (OSB) is an Eastern Orthodox study Bible published by Thomas Nelson in 2008 featuring an English translation of the Septuagint by St. Athanasius Academy for the Old Testament and utilizing the New King James Version (NKJV) for the New Testament.Orthodox Doctrine

Orthodox Catholic Christians, having dedicated themselves to Christ and adhering to the Orthodox Faith, believe in One God, the Father who from eternity shares his divine essence with His Divine Son whom He begets from eternity, and the Holy Spirit who eternally proceeds from the Father.Moderate consumption of alcohol is allowed on many days throughout the year, but more than that is drunkenness which is wrong and unhealthy both spiritually and physically, and worse yet, if this is not a one time occurrance but becomes frequent.

For example, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese lists homosexuality beside fornication, adultery, abortion and abusive sexual behavior as “immoral and inappropriate forms of behavior in and of themselves, and also because they attack the institution of marriage and the family.” It adds that, “the Orthodox Church believes …

What is not allowed in Orthodox : It is the Orthodox Tradition to fast from food products that contain blood. So, we fast from meat, fish, dairy products, oil, and wine. ( Oil and wine, up until the last couple of centuries, were stored in skins of animals. This is why we can eat grapes and olives, we cannot have wine or olive oil.

Can Orthodox drink coffee : Foods allowed during Lent – this is considered Strict Fast A vegetarian diet including but not limited to bread, grains, vegetables, soup, tofu, fruits, nuts, beans, shellfish, octopus, squid, juice, coffee, tea or water.

Do Orthodox use a different Bible

Catholic and Orthodox Bibles

The Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches did not follow the Protestant revisions and they continue to base their Old Testament on the Septuagint. The result is that these versions of the Bible have more Old Testament books than most Protestant versions.

Answer. The faith of the Orthodox Church is that Jesus Christ is fully human, that He is a real man. But we believe as well that Jesus is not a “mere man,” but that He is the eternal, divine Son of God.for there is no other name given among men by which we must be saved (Acts 4.12). All prayer for Christians must be performed in the name of Jesus: “if you ask anything in My name, I will do it” (Jn 14.13–14).

Do Orthodox Christians eat pork : The Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Eritrean Orthodox Church do not permit pork consumption. Hebrew Roots Movement adherents also do not consume pork. The pig tended to be regarded as a dangerously liminal animal.