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Why is Guinness different in Europe?
Guinness Draught is made in one place: Dublin, Ireland. The Guinness Draught in the US is EXACTLY the same beer as that in Ireland. If it does taste different, the differences may be due to freshness and psychological effects.According to Slate, the key factors are really time and distance. All the Guinness that's sold in the UK, Ireland, and North America is made in Dublin. Unsurprisingly, it turns out the freshest Guinness is the best-tasting Guinness (which any home brewer worth his salt could tell you).Any time between when a beer is made and when it's poured will naturally decrease the freshness. Guinness Draught Stout is, in fact, fresher in Ireland simply because it's made there.” Exportation can exacerbate the situation, according to Ethan Fixell, a Certified Cicerone and beverage expert.

Why is some Guinness creamier than others : More specifically, something known as a “nitro pour” gives Guinness and other particularly creamy stouts and porters their exceedingly thick texture and mouth feel. This has less to do with the beer itself, and more to do with the tap it's poured from.

Why is Guinness nicer in Dublin

Experts have had their say on it. Colm O'Connor, beer specialist at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, told LadBible: "We roast the barley on site, and it's all sourced from within 80 miles of the brewery. They're all Irish.

What is the difference between Guinness and Guinness Foreign : First brewed by Guinness in 1801, FES was designed for export, and is more heavily hopped than Guinness Draught and Extra Stout, which gives it a more bitter taste, and typically has a higher alcohol content (at around 7.5% ABV).

The same goes for Guinness. In Ireland, most pubs will have fresher Guinness than that served in, say, the US. And in the US it has probably been pasteurized more.

No. Guinness Draught (4.2% ABV) in the US is exactly the same as the product brewed in Ireland because it IS the product brewed in Ireland. Served there and served here.

Why is Guinness bad in some pubs

It's important to acknowledge that there is some bad Guinness out there, in fact, it's a vital part of its mythos. Bad Guinness is largely served by pubs that just don't sell it fast enough, are foolhardy enough to connect it to the wrong gas mix, or don't serve it through the correct creamer nozzle.Freshness matters! The same goes for Guinness. In Ireland, most pubs will have fresher Guinness than that served in, say, the US. And in the US it has probably been pasteurized more.One of the widely accepted reasons is that even though it doesn't take the beer nearly as long to arrive in North America from Europe as it used to, Guinness in the U.S. simply isn't as fresh as it is in Ireland (via Thrillist). Another factor may be the pressure put on Irish bars by Guinness representatives.

As the British empire established colonies or had soldiers posted, Guinness would send its beer. But back to the matter at hand: where drinks the most Guinness The United Kingdom is the undisputed king of Guinness drinking, presumably with its proximity to the original Guinness brewery in Ireland playing a key role.

What is the German equivalent to Guinness : Schwarzbier. Although strictly defined as a lager, Schwarzbier is black in colour and tastes similar to a stout or porter, although not quite as sweet or bitter as a Guinness, for example. It has a full-bodied taste and is best sipped slowly on a cold winter's day.

Why is Guinness so expensive : UK Debt Expert personal finance expert Maxine McCreadie said: “Inflation has significantly pushed up the price of Guinness, just like it has other beverages.

Where does Guinness taste the best

An international taste study found that Guinness does, in fact, taste better in its homeland of Ireland. Thousands of bars worldwide claim they serve the best pint of Guinness in the world, but the majority of beer drinkers agree that Guinness simply tastes better in Ireland. Now there is scientific proof.

Experts have had their say on it. Colm O'Connor, beer specialist at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, told LadBible: "We roast the barley on site, and it's all sourced from within 80 miles of the brewery. They're all Irish.Ranging from 4.1% to 4.3% ABV (alcohol by volume, if you're wondering), Guinness has a lower alcohol content than many of the other beers and ales at the bar. It also contains around 125 calories, which again is fewer than many other beers are packing in. Some premium lagers contain as much as 160 calories per pint.

Is Guinness the healthiest alcohol : Bamforth says there are plenty of nutritional benefits in most beers, including antioxidants, B vitamins, fiber, silicon and prebiotics. He says Guinness is one of the richer sources of these nutrients.