Antwort Why is graffiti not art? Weitere Antworten – Is graffiti art or not

Why is graffiti not art?
Though vandalism is an important action to consider, graffiti is considered 100% art among various graffiti artists.More than just an unsightly nuisance, graffiti is commonly seen as a form of vandalism that devalues property and consumes valuable police time and other public resources.The idea that a form of artistic expression could be considered vandalism is, unsurprisingly, not widespread among graffiti artists. “Graffiti is 100% art,” says Pearce.

What percentage of graffiti is art : It involves the placement of a signature marking identified with a person or persons—for the primary purpose of being seen by others. At a national level, it has been estimated that 80 percent of all graffiti is a result of tagging activity, 10 percent is gang-related, and 5 percent is artistic.

Is graffiti art or crying

Graffiti as Art

However, to many that grew up listening to hip-hop and watching films about graffiti like Wild Style or Style Wars, graffiti is a beautiful expression of urban culture. As a result, many cities have created legal spaces for "legal walls" and invite graffiti artists to paint them.

Why shouldn’t graffiti be illegal : On the flip side, it could also be argued that graffiti is an artist's right to freedom of expression, and a way to ensure their work can be appreciated by those beyond the artistic elite.

Graffiti can be understood as antisocial behaviour performed in order to gain attention or as a form of thrill seeking, but it also can be understood as an expressive art form. Derived from the Italian word graffio (“scratch”), graffiti (“incised inscriptions,” plural but often used as singular) has a long history.

In some cases, graffiti can be used to intimidate or threaten people, which can lead to violence and other criminal activities. As a result, many communities have enacted laws that make graffiti illegal in order to prevent this kind of behavior.

Why is most graffiti illegal

Vandalism. One of the main reasons why graffiti is illegal is that it is considered vandalism. The term graffiti seems to go hand in hand with vandalism. The dictionary definition for vandalism is “wilful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property”.His study found that people who graffiti meet the criteria for conduct disorder or delinquency and later go on to antisocial behaviour personality disorder.In fact, with street art and graffiti there may not be any formal or productive differences between low and high. Rather the difference is an artificial divide created by people and institutions.

Environmental Damage Of Graffiti

They can emit 'volatile organic compounds' (VOCs), which are known to the Environmental Protection Agency as organic pollutants that can contribute to ozone levels.

Is graffiti damaging : Property Damage

The materials used to create graffiti can damage the surface on which it appears. The chemicals in graffiti apparatus, such as spray paint and markers, are harsh and can weaken structural surfaces.

Why graffiti should not be illegal : On the flip side, it could also be argued that graffiti is an artist's right to freedom of expression, and a way to ensure their work can be appreciated by those beyond the artistic elite.

Why did graffiti become a thing

It started with kids writing their names on walls and trains. It turned into a game of who could be 'up' the most (as in who's name or 'tag' was most publicly visible and prolifically written). As writing became more popular, writers had to become more creative with their designs to get noticed and stand out.

Commonly used graffiti materials – such as aerosol sprays – can damage the environment. They can emit 'volatile organic compounds' (VOCs), which are known to the Environmental Protection Agency as organic pollutants that can contribute to ozone levels.Graffiti can also be a sign of neglect and decay, which can attract criminal activity and create an unsafe environment for residents. Graffiti can damage public or private property, spread hate speech, create a safety hazard, and contribute to a negative community image.

Is graffiti disrespectful : There is a crude and disrespectful aspect to the creation of graffiti. By definition, graffiti is the illicit defacing of property.