Antwort Why do kids with autism like Legos? Weitere Antworten – Why do autistic kids love Legos

Why do kids with autism like Legos?
“I enjoy LEGO bricks because it's nice from different perspectives. It doesn't feel like there's much stress,” explains George. The therapeutic nature of connecting bricks together has proven to benefit neurodivergent children, especially when done in groups.LEGO® Therapy encourages autistic children to communicate with one another and solve a problem by building in pairs or groups of three, according to set rules.“We know the LEGO System in Play is enjoyed by neurodivergent fans of all ages and we want to support, inspire, and celebrate their creativity.

How does lego-based therapy for autism work : The goal of LEGO therapy is to build the types of skills that can help children better engage with peers, share experiences, and collaborate. This means that the autistic children who are likely to benefit from LEGO therapy are already at least somewhat verbal and able to follow both visual and verbal instructions.

Why do ADHD kids like LEGO

Most LEGO sets come with instructions that clearly spell out how to complete each project. These clear steps helped me focus and seeing the project take shape kept me engaged. During LEGO builds, I never got distracted and frustrated, the way I always felt in the classroom.

Why do autistic kids get obsessed with things : Special interests, routines or rituals also help some autistic children and teenagers manage stress and anxiety. For example, your autistic child might not understand what's going on around them and feel stressed. In these situations, special interests, routines or rituals can give your child a sense of control.

Most LEGO sets come with instructions that clearly spell out how to complete each project. These clear steps helped me focus and seeing the project take shape kept me engaged. During LEGO builds, I never got distracted and frustrated, the way I always felt in the classroom.

Toys are usually made to assist in developing children's sensory skills (among others), so therefore it makes sense why autistics may be attracted to them, especially ones for younger children. They allow for stimulation of different senses, which can increase focus and concentration.

Why do autistic people love toys

Toys are usually made to assist in developing children's sensory skills (among others), so therefore it makes sense why autistics may be attracted to them, especially ones for younger children. They allow for stimulation of different senses, which can increase focus and concentration.It is no secret that LEGO has been at the forefront of activities for individuals with ADHD for a long time. Google “LEGO ADHD” and you'll find articles all about how kids with ADHD can play with LEGO for hours on end yet still struggle with not being able to focus on everything else in life.By building and playing together, children collaborate, communicate, negotiate and problem-solve in a safe and fun environment while developing new friendships. LEGO®-based groups provide a highly structured environment for play. Autistic children feel calm and relaxed because they are doing something they enjoy.

If you're never to old to play a video game, you're never too old to play with legos.

Do gifted kids like Legos : Gifted children are known to be particularly good at drawing, painting, and building things like Lego sets.

What is looping in autism : Perseverative thoughts can happen because a person may be trying to manage stress, process information, shift attention, can't stop thinking about certain things, or can't control behaviors. This kind of thinking, or looping thoughts, is not done consciously or on purpose.

Is it autism or OCD

However, there is an important difference between the two. Obsessions and compulsions for people with OCD are distressing and unwanted, whereas repetitive behaviours for autistic people, such as stimming and intense interests, are often positive, soothing and purposeful.


There's a common misconception that a person with ADHD automatically has a low IQ. Other people may believe that ADHD is always associated with high IQ. But neither of these assumptions is true. Depending on the severity of symptoms, ADHD can affect a person's ability to function at school and work.Signs of autism in young children include:

  1. not responding to their name.
  2. avoiding eye contact.
  3. not smiling when you smile at them.
  4. getting very upset if they do not like a certain taste, smell or sound.
  5. repetitive movements, such as flapping their hands, flicking their fingers or rocking their body.

Do autistic kids laugh : Of course, autistic individuals laugh when they are happy, or if they find something funny. However, they often laugh to release fear, tension and anxiety. What is very difficult for their parents to comprehend (and accept) is that they might laugh or giggle non-stop when someone is crying.