Antwort Why do I lose weight in Europe? Weitere Antworten – Why did I lose weight when I went to Europe

Why do I lose weight in Europe?
Americans who eat their way through Europe sometimes come home surprised to see a lower number on the scale. U.S. food is often less healthy than its European counterparts, with more processing and more additives.Best Countries in the World for Weight Loss (Bariatric Surgery)

  • South Korea.
  • Turkey.
  • India.
  • Brazil.
  • Spain.
  • Singapore.
  • Hungary.
  • United Arab Emirates. The UAE, especially Dubai, is quickly becoming a luxury destination for medical tourism, including bariatric surgery.

"When you go into an Italian supermarket, you do not find junk food," O'Leary explains. "They have a couple of brands of chips, and everything else is food you need to cook."

Why am I losing so much weight out of no where : Causes of unintentional weight loss

It can also be caused by malnutrition, a health condition or a combination of things. Some causes of unintentional weight loss include: mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

Why didn’t I gain weight in Europe

You're Eating Smaller Portions of Healthier Food

Another reason you might not gain weight while on a European trip is that food has fewer additives and refined ingredients.

Why is food healthier in Europe : The European Union more tightly regulates food additives, says Kathleen Holton, an associate professor in the Nutritional Neuroscience Lab at American University in Washington, D.C. About 300 to 400 additives are approved for use in food in the EU, compared with more than 3,000 in the U.S., she says.

However, the factors driving low obesity in other countries such as Japan are different. Japanese tend to be among the healthiest nations worldwide. This is because the traditional Japanese diet is low in saturated fat and high in fiber which eventually reduces the risk of various chronic diseases.

The five countries with the unhealthiest diet:

  • Uzbekistan.
  • Afghanistan.
  • Marshall Islands.
  • Papua New Guinea.
  • Vanuatu.

Where do people lose weight the most

In one study, men lost more fat in their torso while women lost more fat in their legs despite following the same routine of weight resistance exercises that targeted the whole body. If your goal is to lose belly fat, moderate to high-intensity aerobic exercise has shown to be effective.There's no specific amount of weight you should lose to see a difference — everyone is different from one another. Some people can see huge difference by losing 5 kg only, you may lose 10 kg to see a difference and so on.1kg seems a lot, but most of the weight lost would be water, some would be CO2. Your cells always burn energy to maintain themselves, even while you sleep. As a simplified explanation, energy comes from “burning” a glucose molecule to produce mainly water and CO2. Those products are expelled mainly by breathing.

Body mass index

18.50 – < 25.00: normal range; >=25.00: overweight; >= 30.00: obese.

Is Europe healthier than the US : Two recent studies suggest that although older Americans of all education, wealth, and income levels report poorer health than equivalent Europeans, the U.S. health disadvantage is largest among the poor and less educated (Avendano et al., 2009; Banks et al., 2006).

What country eats the healthiest : The 10 Healthiest Cuisines in the World

  1. 1. Japanese. Japanese culture tends to eat well in small portions with colorful vegetables and they strive to eat very healthy and using seasonal ingredients and flavors.
  2. Indian.
  3. South Mediterranean (Italian and Greek)
  4. Korean.
  5. Ethiopian.
  6. Nordic Scandinavian.
  7. Vietnamese.
  8. Lebanese.

Why do I lose weight in other countries

Scientists who study nutrition and health say that people who lose weight on international travels are likely benefiting from two things: more daily steps while on vacation and, yes, food that is often healthier and less processed.


Sweden is the country that lives more healthy years across the EU block (women live, on average 72.7 healthy years, and men 72.8 healthy years.Highest share of overweight adults in Croatia and Malta

Croatia and Malta (both 64.8 per cent) had the highest proportion of overweight people in the EU. Almost two out of every three were considered overweight in these countries.

What is the unhealthiest diet in Europe : Britain has the unhealthiest diet in Europe – significantly increasing the risk of obesity, heart attacks and strokes, an alarming new study finds. Ultra-processed 'junk' food such as crisps, chicken nuggets and poor-quality ready-made meals now make up just over half of the meals consumed in the average household.