Antwort Why did Yoda train Luke but not Anakin? Weitere Antworten – Why did Yoda decide to train Luke

Why did Yoda train Luke but not Anakin?
Yoda faces his failures within the dark side vergence and comes out with a change of heart. Because of Obi-Wan's counsel and his ultimate challenge for Yoda to confront his demons, Yoda decides that the best way to make amends for his failures is to train Luke.Yoda. Yoda's knowledge of Luke Skywalker's true parentage was also confirmed in Return of the Jedi. As with Obi-Wan, Yoda believed that Anakin's fall to the dark side made him unsalvageable, with the Darth Vader persona being his only identity following his ascension to Sith Lordship.Dagobah was one of the purest planets in the galaxy, alive with the Force thanks to its abundant life. One cave in the planet's swamps roiled with the dark side. During the Clone Wars, the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn led Yoda to this cave, where Yoda had a vision of Darth Sidious's triumph over the Jedi.

Was Anakin trained to be a Jedi : Qui-Gon fell in battle to the Sith Lord Darth Maul, and with his dying wish, asked Obi-Wan to train the boy. The Jedi Council agreed, and Anakin was accepted into the Order as Obi-Wan's apprentice. He also began a friendship with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, who was quite impressed by the boy's Force abilities.

Why did Yoda not want to train Anakin

Star Wars Explained – A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away… Why didn't Yoda train Anakin Skywalker if he really thought that he was "the chosen one" Yoda didn't want Anakin trained. He considered him to be dangerous, full of fear which could potentially be catastrophic.

Why didn’t Obi-Wan train Luke earlier : He wanted to make sure that it was Luke's personal decision to be a Jedi. So, by all appearances, Obi-Wan was waiting for Luke to find him. When Luke came looking, it would mean that it was the will of the Force for Luke to be trained.

R2-D2 was present when Padmé gave birth to Leia and Luke, so he knew Luke was Anakin's son – but what he didn't know was that Anakin became Darth Vader. In addition to that, Anakin's fall was surely a painful event in R2-D2's life, one that he definitely wouldn't like to remember or even talk about.

Vader never met Yoda in canon or legends.

Was Anakin stronger in the Force than Yoda

Evidence for ROTS Anakin > Yoda (in the force)

Sidious then confirms that Anakin is 'far' more powerful. Anakin's quick work of Dooku + Sheev's confirmation immediately make it clear that Anakin is a tier above Dooku power wise when he cuts loose.Yoda's 900 years of Jedi experience and knowledge would be weaponized on a scale never conceived. Sith Yoda's destructive power would be so strong it could wreck the entire galaxy. Once Dooku saw the vision, he couldn't deny the threat a Darth Yoda would pose.Star Wars Explained – A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away… Why didn't Yoda train Anakin Skywalker if he really thought that he was "the chosen one" Yoda didn't want Anakin trained. He considered him to be dangerous, full of fear which could potentially be catastrophic.

Plo Koon was never anything but kind towards Anakin, showing him gratitude and respect. He also clearly appreciated Anakin taking care of Ahsoka, who Plo deeply cared aout. Luminara Unduli criticized Anakin at times, but also praised him, and respected his ability as a Jedi.

Did Anakin respect Yoda : Over the years, Anakin came to highly respect Yoda, while Yoda gradually outgrew his fear of Anakin and came to have faith in him and correctly came to believe that Anakin was the Chosen One from the Jedi prophecy.

Did Yoda ever teach Anakin : Though he saw Anakin's potential, Yoda could not ignore the danger inherent in Anakin's unrestrained emotional attachments. To teach Anakin responsibility, Yoda assigned Skywalker a Padawan learner: Ahsoka Tano.

Why didn’t Yoda want to train Anakin

Star Wars Explained – A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away… Why didn't Yoda train Anakin Skywalker if he really thought that he was "the chosen one" Yoda didn't want Anakin trained. He considered him to be dangerous, full of fear which could potentially be catastrophic.

While Qui-Gon prepared Obi-Wan Kenobi to be a Jedi Knight, he did not prepare him to be a teacher—especially for an unconventional student like Anakin Skywalker.At the end of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, C-3PO's memory was wiped, allowing him a fresh start by the time A New Hope begins, but R2-D2's memories remained intact, which is why many fans wonder why he didn't tell Luke the truth about his family history, but he might have not done that because he didn' …

Did R2-D2 recognize Yoda : Yoda and R2D2 knew each other and the galaxy is even a smaller world than we think.