Antwort Who is the scary teacher in Harry Potter? Weitere Antworten – Is Professor Lupin good

Who is the scary teacher in Harry Potter?
He is thoughtful and tends to think through a situation before acting. He often demonstrates great self-control, remaining calm in stressful situations. Although Lupin has been portrayed as an outcast, he is kind and extraordinarily loyal to his friends and allies, especially Harry.

Remus Lupin
Species Werewolf
Occupation Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor of Hogwarts (1993–1994)
Affiliation Order of the Phoenix
Family Lyall Lupin (father) Hope Howell (mother)

Tonks didn't care, though. For over the course of their Order of the Phoenix missions, she too had fallen in love with Lupin – even if he was 'too busy feeling sorry for himself to notice'.

Did Lupin love Harry : In the Harry Potter series, Remus Lupin loved his three friends wholeheartedly and felt similarly for James' son Harry. However, that doesn't mean he was the best of mentors to him, either. He felt that because of his condition, he was blessed to have any sort of friends at all, and did nothing against them.

Who killed Lupin

While it is unknown exactly which curse Dolohov used, he fired the spell that murdered Remus Lupin. There has been debate over the years on whether Dolohov used the Killing Curse or some equally horrifying curse of his own design. Either way, he caught Lupin off guard, and his life was forfeit.

Who killed Sirius Black : Bellatrix

During a frenzied duel with Bellatrix, Sirius taunts her for failing to harm him. Bellatrix strikes Sirius with a curse, sending him backwards into the veil and to his death. Overcome with grief and rage, Harry tries – and fails – to get revenge on Bellatrix, only to be interrupted by Voldemort's arrival.


His entire demeanor throughout the series suggest that Dumbledore was asexual for the rest of his long life. He died a 115 year old virgin. Lupin- Due to him being a werewolf, it's very likely he didn't lose his virginity until he met Tonks.

Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks met when they both became members of the second Order of the Phoenix. At some point before the summer of 1996, Tonks fell deeply in love with Remus.

Who is Draco Malfoy’s boyfriend

Astoria GreengrassDraco Malfoy / Significant other (Widower)Upon returning to Hogwarts for the school year, Lupin finds he has a crush on Black. On his birthday, Lupin kisses Black and during their sixth year, the two become an unofficial couple.Molly Weasley

During the final battle, Bellatrix was the last Death Eater standing. She was eventually killed in a duel by Molly Weasley after her attempted murder of Ginny Weasley. Before her death, Bellatrix secretly gave birth to an illegitimate daughter named Delphini, whom she conceived with her beloved master, Lord Voldemort.

According to the films, Hedwig's killer might have been Selwyn, who was known to be pursuing Harry and Hagrid at the time since Hedwig's death in the film happened quite a while into the fight when there was only a couple death eaters following them, or it might have been Stanley Shunpike under the Imperius Curse.

Is Lupin LGBT : ¹ Obviously, Lupin and his gang are all prime examples of characters who refuse to adhere to conventional, heteronormative life paths. So even regardless of the particulars of their literal sexual orientations, this makes the entire framework of the Lupin universe inherently metaphorically queer.

Was Voldemort a virgin : By the time he was Lord Voldemort (despite what I said earlier about the graveyard scene), Tom Riddle had become fully and completely asexual. So my answer to the question is yes, Lord Voldemort was a virgin. More questions on Quora: Harry Potter: Did Tom Riddle open the Chamber of Secrets 50 years ago

Are Sirius and Lupin dating

The exact word is bros not couples. But perceived as couples to many points due to nature of their relationships. Lupin, and the dearly departed Sirius Black, were both complicated father figures for Harry, but that's not why many Potter fans embraced them so fiercely.

Both of Teddy's parents were killed during the Battle of Hogwarts, leaving him an orphan. As a result, Teddy was raised by his maternal grandmother Andromeda, with help from his godfather.Harry Potter had a few love interests during his time at Hogwarts. Though he eventually settled down with Ginny Weasley, he also had a thing for Cho Chang in his earlier school years. Then, of course, there's his secret love for Draco Malfoy…

Who is Hermione’s boyfriend : Ron WeasleyHermione Granger / Romantically involved with