Antwort Who is first god in universe? Weitere Antworten – Is God the father of the universe

Who is first god in universe?
Since the second century, Christian creeds included affirmation of belief in "God the Father (Almighty)", primarily in his capacity as "Father and creator of the universe".Brahma

Brahma (Sanskrit: ब्रह्मा, IAST: Brahmā) is a Hindu god, referred to as "the Creator" within the Trimurti, the trinity of supreme divinity that includes Vishnu and Shiva. He is associated with creation, knowledge, and the Vedas. Brahma is prominently mentioned in creation legends.God is often believed to be the cause of all things and so is seen as the creator, sustainer, and ruler of the universe. God is often thought of as incorporeal and independent of the material creation, while pantheism holds that God is the universe itself.

How old is God today : What is God's relationship to time We cannot assign an age to God. God is infinite.

Is Jesus the Son of God

Jesus was the only person to be born of a mortal mother, Mary, and an immortal father, God the Father. That is why Jesus is called the Only Begotten Son of God. From His Father, He inherited divine powers (see John 10:17–18).

Who is the 1 God in universe : While Lord Brahma is seen as the creator deity in the Hindu trilogy of creator-sustainer-destroyer, there are some perspectives that question whether he can truly be considered the father of all universe. As per scriptures, Lord Brahma was born from the navel of Lord Vishnu at the beginning of creation.

We ask, "If all things have a creator, then who created God" Actually, only created things have a creator, so it's improper to lump God with his creation. God has revealed himself to us in the Bible as having always existed. Ray Comfort, author and evangelist, writes: No person or thing created God.

Its preface states: "the distinctive Hebrew name for God (usually transliterated Jehovah or Yahweh) is in this translation represented by 'The Lord'." A footnote to Exodus 3:14 states: "I am sounds like the Hebrew name Yahweh traditionally transliterated as Jehovah." The New International Version (1978, revised 2011).

What is Jesus’ real name

The Hebrew name of Jesus is probably pronounced Yeshuaʿ, although this is uncertain and depends on the reconstruction of several ancient Hebrew dialects.Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer)

Lucifer Morningstar
Family God (father) Goddess (mother) Amenadiel (brother) Azrael (sister) Michael (twin brother) Uriel (brother) Remiel (sister) Gabriel (brother) Zadkiel (brother) Raphael (brother) Various angels (siblings) Charlie (nephew)

The one true God is the Creator of heaven and earth, the Savior of all, and the Life-Giver who alone is worthy to be praised. In time past, this true, living God revealed Himself as Yahweh, who is ultimately known in the name of Jesus Christ.

Trimurti is considered to be the most powerful god as he is a combination of Brahma [The Creator], Vishnu [The Preserver] & Shiva [The Destroyer].

Where did God come from : Now, the Christian answer to this is that God didn't come from anything. God has just always been there. He has always existed. This is what the Bible means when it says that God is “from everlasting to everlasting” (1 Chron.

What is Satan’s real name : Lucifer

Satan, also known as the Devil, and sometimes also called Lucifer in Christianity, is an entity in Abrahamic religions that seduces humans into sin or falsehood. In Judaism, Satan is seen as an agent subservient to God, typically regarded as a metaphor for the yetzer hara, or "evil inclination".

Does Jesus mean Zeus

But many people seem to accept these memes as truth without any further research, so here's my quick apologetic against Jesus being some pagan deity name for “Zeus”. No, Jesus doesn't mean "hail Zeus"


This version of Michael is depicted as Lucifer's twin brother, and in opposition to Lucifer's nature, he is calculating and scheming, a frequent liar, and is able to bring out people's fears in a manner similar to Lucifer's ability to bring out their desires.Christians generally believe that this narrative is historically true. While there has been theological debate over the nature of Jesus, Trinitarian Christians believe that Jesus is the Logos, God incarnate (God in human form), God the Son, and "true God and true man"—fully divine and fully human.

Who is only one God : (Quran 6:103) Allāh is the only God and the same God worshiped in Christianity and Judaism(Q29:46). Islam emerged in the 7th century CE in the context of both Christianity and Judaism, with some thematic elements similar to Gnosticism.