Antwort Who is an instrument of God? Weitere Antworten – Are we an instrument of God

Who is an instrument of God?
Our work is to go about doing good as did [the Master]” (“This Is the Work of the Master,” Ensign, May 1995, 71). Truly, we may each be an instrument in the hands of God. Happily, we need not all be the same kind of instrument.Ultimately, to become an instrument of God only requires you to have a strong dedication in serving Him and a heart that cares for the poor, the lost, and the needy. A true instrument of God is someone whose mind and heart are kind, generous, and pure.When God has a job to do, he always chooses individuals through whom he does his work. The work is God's, but man is God's instrument. As E. M. Bounds put it, “God's methods are men!”

What instrument represents God : The trombone is said to have been invented in the middle of the 15th century, at which time it was closely associated with Christian church music. The trombone began to be used for other kinds of music during the 18th century, but for this reason it was often used to symbolize God or supernatural phenomena.

Who was God’s chosen instrument

the Apostle Paul
The person whom we might consider to be the most unlikely candidate for the task may be the just the one whom the LORD uses as His chosen instrument! This was the case with the Apostle Paul. At this point in his life Paul considered himself God's “instrument” to wipe out Christianity.

What is the Lord’s instrument : Your mind is God's instrument and weapon of righteousness. “For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, the spirit of love and of a sound mind”. 2 Timothy 1:7 Every weapon of God, every resource of God that is in your spirit.

When God has a job to do, he always chooses individuals through whom he does his work. The work is God's, but man is God's instrument. As E. M. Bounds put it, “God's methods are men!”