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Who defeated Dark Phoenix?
The Phoenix is destroyed when Jean is euthanized by Wolverine. The Dark Phoenix Saga is alluded to in X-Men: Apocalypse. In the final battle against Apocalypse, Professor X encourages Jean to use the full extent of her abilities to defeat Apocalypse.It's clear that Echo harnesses an untapped potential as a hero, considering that she's able to handle the strongest version of the Phoenix. Anyone strong enough to control a force that powerful without being overtaken by the Dark Phoenix is powerful enough to defeat it.After taking Wolverine back to Earth, Jean and the rest of the X-Men confronted Xorn in NEW X-MEN (2001) #150 by Morrison and Jimenez. In Xorn's final moments, he attacked Jean with a lethal electromagnetic pulse. Even with the Phoenix's power, this was too much for Jean, who succumbed to her injuries in Cyclops' arms.

Who’s stronger than Jean Grey : The Helmet of Nabu gives Doctor Fate great power. In many ways, he's easily Jean's superior, but the mutant has always been good at taking down enemies that are stronger than her.

Can Thanos beat Dark Phoenix

Removing this, it's clear that Thanos would win in hand to hand combat and the usefulness of the Gauntlet would come into the equation. The power of this force trumps the Phoenix and it's fair to say that Thanos would win in a fight if he has the Stones in his grasp!

Is Jean Grey stronger than Wanda : Jean Grey is an Omega level mutant, meaning there is simply no limit to what she can accomplish. Without the Phoenix Force, it's likely that Wanda Maximoff would be able to best Jean Grey in battle, as she has powers far outweighing the X-Men member, especially with Professor X's limitations in Jean Grey's mind.

Dark Phoenix is above even prime Odin, I mean it's the cosmic entity (personification) of life (and destruction in its dark form ) that devoured a whole solar system…

Xavier and Magneto play one final game of chess at the end of Dark Phoenix. After young Jean Grey (Turner) has sacrificed herself in order to save the other X-Men and the world, we hear in a voiceover that she has not died but evolved beyond humanity. Meanwhile, Xavier has decamped to Europe.

Can Shazam beat Jean Grey

Jean Grey is one of the most powerful telepaths on Earth. Her powerful telekinesis makes her one of the most dangerous heroes around. She can't match Shazam's physical might, but her telekinetic abilities allow her to hit way above her weight class and protect herself from devastating attacks.If Thanos does not possess any of the Stones, the Phoenix Force would be too much for him to battle against. Despite his experience, his weapons, his tactics, his willpower or even his armies, the Phoenix can wipe through all of this because of the raw power that is at her disposal.Dark Phoenix is above even prime Odin, I mean it's the cosmic entity (personification) of life (and destruction in its dark form ) that devoured a whole solar system…

Who wins between Odin and Dark Phoenix Dark Phoenix stomps. Odin was threatened by the Phoenix Force before, his people would be burnt if he calls upon her again.

Who wins, Phoenix or Scarlet Witch : With the Phoenix Force, Jean Grey is an Omega level mutant, meaning there is simply no limit to what she can accomplish, and though the Scarlet Witch would certainly put up a strong, mind-bending fight, Jean Grey would likely take the victory during this huge battle.

Can Jean Grey beat Thor : 1 Jean Grey

Second, Jean is – wait for it – an Omega-level mutant with such extraordinary telepathic and telekinetic ability that Professor X had to suppress it when she was young. Putting Jean in a corner (or a cocoon) generally doesn't work, and there is little Thor could do against her.

How does Dark Phoenix end

At the end of the movie, Jean takes full control of her Phoenix powers and is seen flying around in space, with Xavier's school now called the Jean Grey School, and Professor X implied to have left the school with Hank McCoy to run.

Wiz: Raven had a lot of advantages in this situation. Phoenix may be more experienced, but Raven had almost everything better. Trigon is much stronger then any of the other characters Jean defeated, and White Raven also had the ability to easily stop Jean's attacks.Jean Grey is an Omega level mutant, meaning there is simply no limit to what she can accomplish. Without the Phoenix Force, it's likely that Wanda Maximoff would be able to best Jean Grey in battle, as she has powers far outweighing the X-Men member, especially with Professor X's limitations in Jean Grey's mind.

Who is the strongest Phoenix : Jean Grey
Jean Grey: The most powerful and complete Phoenix Force and host combination. Together they became the White Phoenix of the Crown. Death has stated that Jean is the rightful owner of the Phoenix Force and the embodiment of the Phoenix.