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Who created Cyrillic?
Medieval Bulgaria

The Early Cyrillic alphabet, also called classical Cyrillic or paleo-Cyrillic, is an alphabetic writing system that was developed in Medieval Bulgaria in the Preslav Literary School during the late 9th century.Saints Naum and Clement, both of Ohrid and both among the disciples of Cyril and Methodius, are sometimes credited with having devised the Cyrillic alphabet.The Early Cyrillic alphabet was developed during the 9th century AD at the Preslav Literary School in the First Bulgarian Empire during the reign of Tsar Simeon I the Great, probably by the disciples of the two Byzantine brothers Cyril and Methodius, who had previously created the Glagolitic script.

Did Greeks invent Cyrillic : Cyril was a Greek monk who, with Methodius, brought written language to Christian converts in the mid-9th century (c. 860) in what is now Russia. The Cyrillic alphabet is closely based on the Greek alphabet, with about a dozen additional letters invented to represent Slavic sounds not found in Greek.

Does Polish use Cyrillic

The Cyrillic script is used to a certain extent today by Polish speakers in Western Belarus, especially for religious texts.

Who created Serbian Cyrillic : Karadžić's Cyrillic alphabet was officially adopted in the Principality of Serbia in 1868, and was in exclusive use in the country up to the interwar period.

It wasn't our “native” alphabet, but in XIX century when under Russian occupation [zabór] Polish citizens were to use cyrillic, at least in official documents. Even then however, Polish names&surnames were often written in Latin alphabet to preserve integrity.

Technology and aviation

  • the Airbag for aircraft pilots that is nowadays used in automobiles;
  • the Jordaphone – the predecessor of the modern Answering machine and Tape recorder;
  • the Frozen Gasoline System for airplanes;
  • the Reverse thrust device for jet engines.

What is й in Bulgarian

Short I (Й, й) represents /j/.Is the Russian language based on Greek The Russian language itself is not based on Greek, but its alphabet is. The Cyrillic alphabet is very closely based on the Greek alphabet, though it contains about a dozen additional letters, which were created in order to represent sounds found in Russian but not in Greek.Unlike Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian, which use versions of the Greek-based Cyrillic alphabet, Czech uses a modified Latin alphabet with a few diacriticals (accent marks): the háček (ˇ), čárka (´) and kroužek (°).

Polish is a descendant of the West Slavic branch, first emerging as a separate language in the 10th century when Poland was established as a state under the Piast dynasty. This first version of the language in Poland was known as Old Polish. During this linguistic period, lots of Polish words were adopted from Latin.

Is Serbian close to Russian : Serbia and Russia have a long history of close ties due to their shared Slavic and Orthodox heritage. The Serbian language is also closely connected to Russian.

Did Macedonia invent Cyrillic : The Cyrillic alphabet was invented in Macedonia

Saints Naum and Clement, both from Ohrid in Macedonia, are said to have been the founders of this new Slavic script many centuries ago. Today, the Russians, Ukrainians, Bulgarians and Serbians all use Cyrillic, albeit somewhat modified throughout the ages.

Why is Polish not written in Cyrillic

As Latin was the official language of the Church (and, later, the official language of Law), it led eventually to adopting Roman alphabet as a mean to write Polish.

Some historians consider 632 AD as the date of the establishment of the Bulgarian state; others consider 681 AD as a nation-founding date. In the 7th through the 9th centuries AD, Bulgaria conquered new territories westwards in the Balkans and Central Europe.Bulgaria is the oldest country in Europe and the only country that has not changed its name since it was first established. In the 7th century AD, the Proto- Bulgarians led by Khan Asparuh crossed the Danube River and in 681, they established their own state south of the Danube.

Do Russians use Ё : Except for a brief period after World War II, the use of ⟨ё⟩ was never obligatory in standard Russian orthography. By and large, it is used only in dictionaries and in pedagogical literature intended for children and students of Russian as a second language.