Antwort Who are the people at risk of vulnerability? Weitere Antworten – Which people are vulnerable

Who are the people at risk of vulnerability?
A number of factors make people vulnerable where they may not be able to protect themselves against significant harm or from being taken advantage of. This may include young or elderly people, those with mental health issues, physical disabilities, learning disabilities or gender.Vulnerability of individuals, communities and the environment is a major factor in terms of exposure to disaster risks which limits resilience, but these risks do not affect everybody in the same way. Poor people and socially disadvantaged groups are the most exposed and suffer most directly from disasters.Conflict and disasters often place people at an increased risk of discrimination and/or abuse, especially vulnerable groups such as children, women, older people and those with existing disabilities or chronic health conditions.

What are the categories of vulnerable groups : Some common examples of vulnerable groups in society include: elderly people, people with low incomes, uninsured people, homeless people, racial or ethnic minorities, people in prison, migrant workers, pregnant women, people in the LGBTQIA community, and children.

Who are the people of vulnerability

Examples of vulnerable persons may include persons with autism, dementia, acquired brain injury, a tendency to wander, inability to communicate, aggression or other unusual social responses.

Who are the key vulnerable people : WHO guidelines focus on five key populations: 1) men who have sex with men, 2) people who inject drugs, 3) people in prisons and other closed settings, 4) sex workers and 5) transgender people.

These include individuals who experience greater risk factors for poor health outcomes due to their racial or ethnic status or sexual preferences . Also vulnerable are children, the elderly, the socioeconomically disadvantaged, underinsured individuals, or those with certain medical conditions.

The social groups most vulnerable to poverty are the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe households. Both of these groups have above-average levels of poverty indicators in the rural and the urban population.

Who are the vulnerable populations

Vulnerable populations include patients who are racial or ethnic minorities, children, elderly, socioeconomically disadvantaged, underinsured or those with certain medical conditions. Members of vulnerable populations often have health conditions that are exacerbated by unnecessarily inadequate healthcare.Vulnerable Adult Definition

A person is also considered vulnerable if they are unable to look after themselves, protect themselves from harm or exploitation or are unable to report abuse.A Vulnerable Person is defined as a person who may be in need of community care services by reason of mental illness, developmental disability or delay, other disability, age, illness or emotional disturbance and who is or may be unable to take care of himself or herself or unable to protect himself or herself against …

Socially disadvantaged. Terminally ill or very sick. Racial or ethnic minorities. Institutionalized persons (for example, persons in correctional facilities, nursing homes or mental health facilities)