Antwort Which is safer VBAC or C-section? Weitere Antworten – Is it better to have a VBAC or another C-section

Which is safer VBAC or C-section?
VBACs are sometimes done with labor induction, but this may increase the risk for uterine rupture. So if your labor needs to be induced, it may be safer to plan a repeat cesarean. That said, if you go into labor before your scheduled cesarean, it may be best to try a VBAC.Most C-sections use a low transverse incision. Women who have had a low transverse or low vertical incision are usually VBAC candidates. If you've had a prior high vertical (classical) incision, VBAC isn't recommended because of the risk of uterine rupture.One rare but serious risk with VBAC is that the cesarean scar on the uterus may rupture (break open). Although a rupture of the uterus is rare, it is very serious and may harm both you and your fetus. If you are at high risk of rupture of the uterus, VBAC should not be tried.

Is a C-section safer than natural birth : Which is safer: vaginal birth or C-section Vaginal birth is much safer than a C-section for most women and babies. Sometimes a C-section is the only safe option, like when the baby is positioned side-to-side in the belly (transverse lie) or the placenta is covering the cervix (placenta previa).

When is VBAC not recommended

Your doctor might recommend a C-section instead of VBAC if: There is a medical reason to have a caesarean, for example, you have a placenta previa, or active genital herpes, or the baby is in a breech position. You have a vertical (classical) uterine incision from a past C-section.

What are the disadvantages of a VBAC : VBAC: possible disadvantages

You might need to wear special equipment for this. Sometimes the equipment can make it harder to move around during labour or to use water for pain relief. You also have slightly more risk of the scar in your uterus tearing or rupturing during labour.

[13,14] Nevertheless, lack of previous vaginal delivery, induction of labor, and preterm delivery are some risk factors for VBAC failure.

There is general agreement that a woman who has experienced a uterine rupture in the past should not attempt VBAC. A woman who has had a prior cesarean section, is now pregnant and her baby's weight is estimated to be greater than 4,500 grams (or approximately 9 lbs.)

Why do doctors prefer C-sections

Obstetricians' preference and hospital policies might have more influences on women's decisions. Some doctors prefer cesarean to vaginal birth because it is faster, more convenient and more profitable [8].Although uncommon, having a caesarean can increase the risk of certain problems in future pregnancies, including: the scar in your womb opening up. the placenta being abnormally attached to the wall of the womb, leading to difficulties delivering the placenta.MYTH 4: There is a 25% chance of either maternal or infant mortality during VBAC. FACT: The risk of either infant or maternal mortality is very low in the case of VBAC. The maternal mortality rate during a VBAC is 0.0038%, while during an elective repeat cesarean, it is 0.0134%.

MYTH 4: There is a 25% chance of either maternal or infant mortality during VBAC. FACT: The risk of either infant or maternal mortality is very low in the case of VBAC. The maternal mortality rate during a VBAC is 0.0038%, while during an elective repeat cesarean, it is 0.0134%.

Is a C-section riskier : The risks of complications are slightly higher with C-sections than with vaginal delivery. These might include: Infection. Loss of blood (hemorrhage).

Is a C-section traumatic for a baby : Infant risks — There are few risks of cesarean birth for the baby. One risk is birth trauma, which is rare. Temporary respiratory problems are more common after cesarean birth because the baby is not squeezed through the mother's birth canal. This reduces the reabsorption of fluid in the baby's lungs.

Who is most at risk for C-section

A C-section is necessary if you have genital herpes at the time of delivery. Obstruction: A large uterine fibroid, a pelvic fracture or you're expecting a baby with certain congenital anomalies may also be reasons for a C-section.

Studies have shown that vaginal birth after cesarean delivery has a success rate of 60% to 80%. Talk with your healthcare provider about your specific risks for each delivery method and your preferences for giving birth.C-sections can also cause certain ongoing problems. For example, C-sections can cause chronic pelvic pain in some women, and babies born by C-section are at increased risk of developing chronic childhood diseases like asthma and child- onset diabetes. Learn more at

Does C-section affect the babies brain : Cesarean delivery may influence infant brain development. The impact may be transient because similar effects were not observed in older children. Further prospective and longitudinal studies may be needed to confirm these novel findings.