Antwort Which European country has the highest English proficiency? Weitere Antworten – Which country is the most proficient in English

Which European country has the highest English proficiency?
the Netherlands

English Language

Western and Northern European nations won out the category of very high proficiency last year, with the Netherlands in the lead. The second-highest scoring country was Singapore – at 631 out of 800 points far ahead of the Philippines (578), Malaysia (568) and Hong Kong (558).There are six CEFR levels:

  • A0/A1 English (Beginner/Elementary)
  • A2 English (Pre Intermediate)
  • B1 English (Intermediate)
  • B2 English (Upper Intermediate)
  • C1 English (Advanced)
  • C2 English (Proficient)

Download Table Data

Country Index Score Proficiency Bands
Somalia 414 Very low
Oman 412 Very low
Saudi Arabia 406 Very low
Iraq 404 Very low

Which European country speaks the best English : The Netherlands

Which countries mostly speak English in Europe A. English is the primary language in the United Kingdom, comprising England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The Netherlands is awarded to be the best English speaking country in Europe due to the level of proficiency.

Which European cities speak the most English

Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands, which took the number 1 spot in our ranking. The city is known for its international culture and is a major economic, social and cultural hub in Europe and around the world.

Who speaks the fastest English :

Steve Woodmore
Born Stephen Peter Woodmore13 December 1959 Hackney, London, England
Died 6 February 2023 (aged 63)
Occupation Electronics salesman
Known for Being the fastest English speaker in the world

Level B2 corresponds to a more advanced, more independent level than previous levels. A B2 user can communicate easily and spontaneously in a clear and detailed manner. This is not yet an experienced speaker, but a B2 user is able to understand and be understood in most situations.

the Netherlands

Western and Northern European nations won out the category of very high proficiency last year, with the Netherlands in the lead. The second-highest scoring country was Singapore—at 631 out of 800 points far ahead of the Philippines (578), Malaysia (568) and Hong Kong (558).

Is C1 English level good

Level C1 corresponds to proficient users of the language, i.e. those able to perform complex tasks related to work and study.The United States and India have the most total English speakers, with 306 million and 265 million, respectively. These are followed by Pakistan (104 million), the United Kingdom (68 million), and Nigeria (60 million).The Most 5 English Speaking Countries Worldwide

  • 1- The United States (272,485,000 English speakers)
  • 2- United Kingdom (65,509,000 English speakers)
  • 3- Canada ( 22,450,000 English speakers)
  • 4- Australia (19,728,000 English speakers)
  • 5- South Africa (5,702,000 English speakers)
  • English-speaking African countries.

List of English Speaking Countries in Europe

  1. Germany. Germany is a top English speaking country in Europe with more than 62.35% English speakers.
  2. The Netherlands. More than 90% of people speak English in The Netherlands.
  3. Sweden.
  4. Denmark.
  5. Norway.
  6. Ireland.
  7. Belgium.
  8. Austria.

Which European language is most like English : Dutch

Dutch, Frisian, and German stand as the nearest kin to English, with Frisian holding the strongest resemblance. The syntax, lexicon, and phonetics of both Frisian and English demonstrate their shared lineage.

Do French speak faster than English : One 2011 study from the Université de Lyon looked at 7 languages, which reported the order as Japanese (7.84 syllables per second), Spanish (7.82), French (7.18), Italian (6.99), English (6.19), German (5.97) and Mandarin (5.18).

What is the prettiest sounding language


French has been described as smooth, flowing, elegant and aesthetically pleasing. With its unpronounceable “r”, its nasal vowel sounds “en”, “in”, “un” and melodious intonation, it sounds extremely musical to the non-native ear.

It is an alternative naming convention for CEFR levels where Vantage means B2 level. Other level names in this convention are: A1- Breakthrough, A2- Waystage, B1- Threshold, B2- Vantage, C1- Advanced, C2- Mastery. Which CEFR level is the highest C2 (Proficiency) is the top level you can achieve on the CEFR scale.B2 First – Level C1

Exceptional candidates sometimes show ability beyond B2 level. If you achieve a scale score of 180–190 (grade A) in your exam, you will receive the First Certificate in English stating that you demonstrated ability at Level C1.

Is B2 C1 fluent : If B2 is what many consider “fluent,” then C1 is fluency with increased nuance and understanding. At C1, you can understand subtle jokes in the language, and express yourself with colorful native phrases. When you reach C1, you should have a working vocabulary of about 8000 words – almost double that of B2!