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Which country does not have McDonald's?
There are 123 countries where McDonald's has not set up a restaurant yet, including Afghanistan, Bhutan, Iran, Iraq, Libya, and North Korea, among many others. There are various reasons why some countries do not have McDonald's outlets.Metro is an Icelandic fast food restaurant chain. It replaced McDonald's after McDonald's left Iceland on 30 October 2009, as a result of the 2008–2011 Icelandic financial crisis and high import tariff on imported ingredients.North Korea has no McDonald's outlet as it wouldn't allow any 'imperialist country's company'. Also, the company said that North Korea is not a good place for business due to a lack of demand.

Does Dubai have a McDonald’s : Mcdonalds Dubai – Fast Food Dining | Mall of the Emirates.

Does Africa have McDonalds

Though Africa is the second-largest continent by both population and total area (Mercator map projection tends to warp down its geographic size), you won't find many McDonald's there. In fact, only four countries on the continent feature the Golden Arches: South Africa, Morocco, Egypt, and Tunisia.

Is McDonalds in Albania : One of the amazing facts about Albania is that there are no McDonalds or Starbucks in Albania, which might sound very scary to you, but there are typical coffee shops and fast-food chains in Albania that serve really good coffee and food.

Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, McDonald's temporarily suspended all operations in the country on 8 March. In May, the company announced that it would sell all of its restaurants in Russia, which were rebranded as Vkusno i tochka.

The biggest issue from McDonald's perspective is the lack of adequate global supply chains in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

Does Russia have McDonald’s

Not anymore. Because of the sanctions, McDonald's had to sell its business in Russia to its former local partner. So, we now have restaurants called “Вкусно – и точка/Vkusno i tochka” (“Tasty, full stop”).In the 1990s, he applied for permits to create a McDonald's in Iraq, but the McDonald's Corporation turned him down, due to economic sanctions imposed during the regime of Saddam Hussein, as well as the controlled economy of Iraq at the time. In response, he established MaDonal Restaurant, which is still in business.Since opening the first restaurant in Ginza, Tokyo in 1971, McDonald's Japan has grown into a hamburger restaurant “born in the United States and raised in Japan”. With now approximately 2,900 restaurants nationwide, they include both franchise-owned and operated restaurants and those under direct management.

McDonald's has around 34,000 restaurants in 118 countries and territories across the world, serving more than 69 million people every day worldwide.

Is McDonalds in all countries : McDonald's has around 34,000 restaurants in 118 countries and territories across the world, serving more than 69 million people every day worldwide.

Is there a McDonalds in Madagascar : Madagascar. Africa has the fewest number of McDonald's restaurants of all of the continents — with that in mind, it should be no surprise that the remote island of Madagascar remains free from this fast-food chain.

Does Colombia have McDonalds

In 2022, McDonald's outlets in Colombia remained at 74 after having closed one unit in the previous year.

Due to sanctions, the financial services and operations of KFC have been ceased in Russia. Even if there are still some open KFC locations, that means those are dependent on the franchise company and not on the KFC itself.Burger King remains open as usual in Russia despite the brand's owner pledging to leave more than a year ago.

In which country did McDonald’s fail : If you've recently visited the Tibet of the Americas, then you may have noticed there are no golden arches to be seen. That's because McDonald's pulled out of Bolivia in 2002, only a few years after it tried to launch in the country. McDonald's withdrawal from the region marked a rare failure for the company.