Antwort Where are the 3 most active volcanoes? Weitere Antworten – What are the 3 locations where most volcanoes form

Where are the 3 most active volcanoes?
There are three settings where volcanoes typically form:

  • constructive plate boundaries.
  • destructive plate boundaries.
  • hot spots.

Mount St Helens – United States. Mayon Volcano – Philippines. Mount Bromo – Indonesia.Which countries have the most volcanoes

Country Holocene Volcanoes Active since 1950 CE
1. United States 165 42
2. Japan 121 44
3. Indonesia 116 58
4. Russia 115 33

Where are most active volcanoes located : INDONESIA. With more than 13,000 islands, Indonesia leads the world with the largest number of active volcanoes.

What are the 3 main volcanoes

The most well-known types of volcanoes are cinder cones, composite volcanoes (stratovolcanoes), and shield volcanoes.

Where are the 3 largest volcanoes : Height of select volcanoes worldwide (in meters)

Volcano, location Height in meters
Mauna Loa (Hawaii, United States) 9,170
Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)* 5,895
Popocatépetl Volcano (Mexico) 5,426
Mount Fuji (Tokyo, Japan) 3,776

Which volcanic eruptions were the deadliest

Eruption Year Casualties
Mont Pelée, Martinique 1902 30,0001 (29,025)2
Krakatau, Indonesia 1883 36,0001 (36,417)2
Tambora, Indonesia 1815 92,0001,2
Unzendake, Japan 1792 15,0001 (14,030)2

Topping the list of most active volcanoes on the planet is Kīlauea on the Hawaiian Islands.

Which country has 6 volcanoes

Costa Rica is home to a great number of volcanoes — there are six active volcanoes and another 61 dormant or extinct ones. For the past 50 years, Arenal was the country's most active volcano.Volcanoes that have produced exceedingly voluminous pyroclastic eruptions and formed large calderas in the past 2 million years include Yellowstone in northwest Wyoming, Long Valley in eastern California, Toba in Indonesia, and Taupo in New Zealand.But relatively few people have been killed by Kilauea's lava, because it is usually possible for people to get out of its path. The one major fatality at Kilauea was caused by a steam explosion. In 1794, lava-heated groundwater killed a troop of soldiers marching past the caldera.


For decades, scientists have debated just how apocalyptic it was when Toba, a supervolcano located in Sumatra, Indonesia, erupted some 74,000 years ago. Some proposed that the biggest eruption in millions of years triggered a catastrophic volcanic winter that nearly wiped out Homo sapiens.

What are the top 3 biggest volcanoes in the world : List of Largest Volcanoes in the World

S.No Name Location
1 Mauna Loa Hawaii, United States
2 Tamu Massif Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Japan
3 Ojos del Salado Argentina/Chile border
4 Tamu Koba Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Japan

Which volcano is likely to erupt next :

Volcano Country Eruption Start Date
Barren Island India 2024 Mar 15
Fernandina Ecuador 2024 Mar 2
Lewotobi Indonesia 2023 Dec 23
Reykjanes Iceland 2023 Dec 18

What country has 20 volcanoes

Though only about the size of New Jersey, the country of El Salvador is home to 20 volcanoes that have been active in the past approximately 10,000 years.

Nicaragua is often referred to as 'the country of lakes and volcanoes' because of its many lakes, lagoons and a string of some 40 volcanoes stretching northwest to southeast along the Pacific coast.The most well-known types of volcanoes are cinder cones, composite volcanoes (stratovolcanoes), and shield volcanoes.

How painful is death by lava : The extreme heat would probably burn your lungs and cause your organs to fail. “The water in the body would probably boil to steam, all while the lava is melting the body from the outside in,” Damby says. (No worries, though, the volcanic gases would probably knock you unconscious.)