Antwort Whats better F-22 or F-35? Weitere Antworten – Is F-35 better than F-22

Whats better F-22 or F-35?
Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on the specific mission requirements, with the F-35 preferred for its broad utility and compatibility with allied forces. Both are fifth-generation stealth fighters. The F-22 is older and will eventually be replaced by the Next-generation Air Dominance Fighter (NGAD).The US Air Force's Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor stealth fighter has gotten a major upgrade as the iconic warplane nears its third decade of front-line service and retirement. The F-22 is the most powerful and sophisticated fighter in the world, but it has its weaknesses.At least two Eurofighters scored kills against F-22s… but there's more to this story. We know for sure that at least some (likely two) Eurofighters actually scored notional kills against their F-22 opponents in these drills.

Is F-22 better than F-16 : The F-22 can fly faster, higher, and out maneuver the F-16 with its thrust vectoring nozzles. In an air-to-air battle, the F-16 would be hopelessly outmatched. The F-22 could spot and shoot down the F-16 without being detected.

Is F-35 better than F-16

Finally, the F-35 office said simulated combat scenarios have shown that four F-35s have won encounters when pitted against a four-ship of F-16s. "The F-35s won each of those encounters because of its sensors, weapons, and stealth technology," the statement said.

Why is the F-35 so cool : The F-35's sweet avionics isn't its only cutting-edge capability. Each Joint Strike Fighter can sport four weapons internally while flying in combat or can be equipped with six additional weapons mounted on external hardpoints when flying in more relaxed environments. Essentially, the F-35 is armed to the teeth.

The first is the enormous costs associated with flying the plane and maintaining the fleet to keep it combat-ready. The second reason is that much of the F-22's technology is already obsolete by advanced tactical fighter standards. Yet the Raptor remains one of the most advanced air platforms on the planet.

In recent Red Flag aerial wargames run by the U.S. Air Force, the F-35 racked up a 20:1 kill ratio.

Who can beat F-22

The F-22, a critical component of the Global Strike Task Force, is designed to project air dominance, rapidly and at great distances and defeat threats attempting to deny access to our nation's Air Force, Army, Navy and Marine Corps. The F-22 cannot be matched by any known or projected fighter aircraft.Head to head with no Awacs or ROE the F-35 would dust a Eurofighter 100% of the time not including massive pilot error. The Eurofighter does have advantages in Kinematics and aerobatics than the F-35, although much goes away not flying clean, so it probably makes a better missile truck than the F-35.Finally, the F-35 office said simulated combat scenarios have shown that four F-35s have won encounters when pitted against a four-ship of F-16s. "The F-35s won each of those encounters because of its sensors, weapons, and stealth technology," the statement said.

And its advanced electronic warfare system and integrated avionics allowed pilots to precisely aim its air-to-air missiles, air-to-ground missiles, and bombs. Perhaps the most incredible feature of the F-22 is a thrust-vectoring system that makes it extremely agile in a dogfight.

Can F-35 dogfight : A pilot with first-hand knowledge had written the report – and his insights were unflattering. “The F-35 was at a distinct energy disadvantage,” the pilot wrote, meaning that the F-35 “can't turn or climb fast enough to hit an enemy plane during a dogfight or to dodge the enemy's own gunfire,” War is Boring reported.

Is the F-35 still bad : The Government Accountability Office released a report in September 2023 detailing how bad the situation is with the maintenance depots. It turns out that not only do F-35s break down more often than anticipated, but it takes far too long to repair them.

Why is F-22 banned

In order to prevent the inadvertent disclosure of the aircraft's stealth technology and classified capabilities to the U.S.'s adversaries, annual DOD appropriations acts since FY1998 have included a provision prohibiting the use of funds made available in each act to approve or license the sale of the F-22 to any …

In nearly two decades of official operation, no F-22 Raptor stealth fighter has ever been shot down before, but there have been a few that have crashed due to accidents.Yes an F-22 can shoot down an F-35 and an F-35 can shoot down an F-22. As long as a weapon is armed and is flown either by a pilot who has more skill and luck a kill is possible.

Why is the F-35 so special : The F-35 has the most advanced sensor suite of any fighter in history, including the Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar, Distributed Aperture System (DAS), Electro Optical Targeting System (EOTS) and advanced electronic warfare capabilities to locate/track enemy forces, jam radars and disrupt attacks.