Antwort What was the safest country during WW2? Weitere Antworten – What countries were safe during ww2

What was the safest country during WW2?
Only 14 countries remained officially neutral throughout the entire war. They included Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Turkey, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan as well as the microstates of Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein, San Marino and Vatican City.Sweden had been neutral since the mid-nineteenth century, and wanted to remain neutral during World War II. In fact, it successfully avoided entering the war. However, depending on the course of the war, the Swedes sometimes tended to act more pro-German, while at other times they supported the policies of the Allies.Switzerland exploited the former definition of neutrality to justify its lack of confrontational involvement in World War II, by side-stepping the war and the atrocities and unofficially providing aid for one side or the other. Ironically, assistance is exactly what they provided by laundering German plunder.

Was Norway neutral in WWII : World War II. With the outbreak of hostilities in 1939, Norway again declared itself neutral. On April 9, 1940, German troops invaded the country and quickly occupied Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, and Narvik. The Norwegian government rejected the German ultimatum regarding immediate capitulation.

What country was hurt most by WW2

Soviet Union
Deaths by Country

Country Military Deaths Total Civilian and Military Deaths
Soviet Union 8,800,000-10,700,000 24,000,000
United Kingdom 383,600 450,700
United States 416,800 418,500
Yugoslavia 446,000 1,000,000

What country was good in WW2 : American war production — its ability to churn out astounding numbers of bombers, tanks and warships — was possibly the key war-winning factor, say some historians, who point out American factories produced more airplanes than all of the other major war powers combined.

The Battle of Narvik saw Norway's toughest fight in World War II; nearly 7,500 Norwegian soldiers participated in the battle, along with British, French and Polish troops. The reconquest of Narvik was the first time the Third Reich war machine had to be removed from a captured city.

Sweden's neutrality was confirmed and defined by an exchange of letters between King Gustav and Adolf Hitler that same month. Swedish wartime diplomacy sought to ward off German invasion by adopting a neutrality that sacrificed some of Sweden's independence and made significant concessions to Germany.

Why did Germany invade Norway but not Sweden

Germany still attacked the countries because it feared that Great Britain and France planned to occupy Norway. With Denmark's access to the Baltic Sea in German hands, Swedish iron ore could be transported undisturbed to Germany. Sweden remained neutral.At the start of World War II in 1939, the Portuguese Government announced on 1 September that the 550-year-old Anglo-Portuguese Alliance remained intact, but since the British did not seek Portuguese assistance, Portugal was free to remain neutral in the war and would do so.The Oslo Mosquito raid (25 September 1942) was a British air raid on Oslo, Norway, during the Second World War. The target of the raid was the Victoria Terrasse building, the headquarters of the Gestapo.

the Soviet Union

Finland participated in the Second World War initially in a defensive war against the Soviet Union, followed by another, this time offensive, war against the Soviet Union acting in concert with Nazi Germany and then finally fighting alongside the Allies against Germany.

What was the bloodiest war in history : World War II

World War II was the deadliest conflict in human history marked by 50 to 85 million fatalities, most of whom were civilians in the Soviet Union and China.

What country did not fight in ww2 : Here are some examples:

  • Switzerland: The country declared neutrality and maintained it throughout the war, despite being surrounded by Axis powers.
  • Spain: Spain was also officially neutral throughout the war, although it provided support to the Axis powers.

Did the Russians win WWII

This war was a war for national survival, which led to fierce resistance by Soviet soldiers and partisans. American material aid played an important role in the Soviet victory. The Soviet Union suffered about 9.2 million military casualties, and Nazi Germany had 4.1 million.

The 19-year-old U.S. soldier personally killed or wounded some 50 German troops, earning the Medal of Honor for one of WWII's most astonishing battlefield actions. On January 26, 1945, Audie Murphy and some 40 U.S. troops sat shivering in a frigid, snow-covered clearing near the Alsatian town of Holtzwihr.Sweden was not directly attacked during World War II. It was, however, subject to British and German naval blockades and accidental bombings from the Soviets on some cities (e.g. Strängnäs), which led to problems with the supply of food and fuels.

Did Turkey fight in WWII : Turkey finally declared war on Germany in late February 1945. But at no time were they active combatants for the Allies. Turkey's neutrality during the war blocked Germany's access to the Middle East, thereby depriving Germany of an Arab alliance.