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What religion do Slavs follow?
The Slavs were Christianized in waves from the 7th to 12th century, though the process of replacing old Slavic religious practices began as early as the 6th century.In religion, the Slavs traditionally divided into two main groups: those associated with the Eastern Orthodox Church (Russians, most Ukrainians, most Belarusians, most Bulgarians, Serbs, and Macedonians) and those associated with the Roman Catholic Church (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Croats, Slovenes, some Ukrainians, and …Generally speaking, the monarchs of the South Slavs adopted Christianity in the 9th century, the East Slavs in the 10th, and the West Slavs between the 9th and 12th century.

What do Slavs believe : Slavs are the largest European ethnolinguistic group, scattered throughout Eastern, Central, and Southeastern Europe. Today, most of these people practice Christianity, but long before Christianisation, the native faith of the Slavic tribes was what we consider paganism today.

What is the true origin of the Slavs

Polesia is the most commonly accepted location for the original Slavic homeland. The Proto-Slavic homeland is the area of Slavic settlement in Central and Eastern Europe during the first millennium AD, with its precise location debated by archaeologists, ethnographers and historians.

What do Slavs look like : Procopius wrote that the Slavs "are all tall and especially strong, their skin is not very white, and their hair is neither blond nor black, but all have reddish hair". Jordanes wrote "…all of them are tall and very strong… their skin and hair are neither very dark nor light, but are ruddy of face".

The Slavs perceived the world as inhabited by a variety of spirits, which they represented as persons and worshipped. These spirits included those of waters (mavka and rusalka), forests (lisovyk), fields (polyovyk), those of households (domovoy), those of illnesses, luck and human ancestors.


The oldest known Slavic principality in history was Carantania, established in the 7th century by the Eastern Alpine Slavs, the ancestors of present-day Slovenes.

Who is the main Slavic god

Perun & Veles

Even though the Slavic pagan religion wasn't monotheistic, there was still a supreme god, called Perun. The closest equivalent from other cultures would be Zeus from Greek mythology and Thor from Norse mythology since they reign the heavens as the gods of thunder and lightning.The word for slave in Medieval Latin is Slavus, which is the etymology of Slavic. The reason why this term was chosen for what we now call the Slavic people is that this region of Europe was once the source of slaves for people in other parts of Europe.What is Slavic The word for slave in Medieval Latin is Slavus, which is the etymology of Slavic. The reason why this term was chosen for what we now call the Slavic people is that this region of Europe was once the source of slaves for people in other parts of Europe.

Their origin and identity are much in dispute. Traditional Western scholars believe them to be Scandinavian Vikings, an offshoot of the Varangians, who moved southward from the Baltic coast and founded the first consolidated state among the eastern Slavs, centring on Kiev.

What eye color do Slavs have : Did you know Poles have the largest number of blue eyed Slavs. 140 (13.7 %) individuals of brown eye colour.

Are Serbs the oldest Slavs : The Serbs who are the oldest Slavs had inhabited the Podunavlje region – the Danube River area – the ancient Ister from the time immemorial as found in records which describe the numerous Illyric – Thracian tribes. This is today widely known and clear to every serious researcher and intellectual.

Is Thor a Slavic God

Thor is the thunder God of the Norse, Perun of the Slavs. Thor has a hammer and Perun has an axe. They are both tools but have very different cultural and practical associations. This is an example of how the Gods may have things in common but are not the same, or even variations of the same.

Odin—also called Wodan, Woden, or Wotan—is one of the principal gods in Norse mythology.Some authors have traced the origin of the Slavs back to indigenous Iron Age tribes living in the valleys of the Oder and Vistula rivers (in present-day Poland and the Czech Republic) around the 1st century CE. This is, however, still a matter of debate.

Did Slavs come from Ukraine : When the brilliance of the ancient civilization dimmed, the Slavs entered the historic arena. Archaeological research shows that their ancestral homeland was the Ukrainian land. Under the influence of Christianity, the Slavic ancestors of the Ukrainians began to search for their place in Medieval Europe.