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What is UK slang for best?
20. Scrummy/Bangers/Nosh. If someone refers to food as scrummy, it means that it is tasty and utterly delicious. Bangers are used for sausages, and Nosh is for food.Bonnie. Interpretation: A common Scottish phrase that means "pretty" or "beautiful" normally in reference to a woman or lass. In use: "She's a bonnie lass."British Compliments

  1. You look smart/You're smartly dressed – Smart, in this case, isn't a reference to your mental state but more so about being dressed well.
  2. He's as bright as a button – “Bright” in British words and phrases means smart.
  3. I quite fancy you – Fancy here means like or have a crush on.

How are you in British slang : People. So up to around the age of 30. And is usually used between friends or people you know quite well you can answer it exactly the same as how are you but it's more friendly.

How do Brits say awesome

<S> awesome You look totally awesome in that dress.

What is the British slang for excellent : Happy and Positive British Slang

  • ace – amazing, awesome, excellent.
  • blinding – fantastic, great, superb.
  • brill – short for "brilliant," cool, exceptionally good.
  • buzzing – excited, happy.
  • chuffed – happy, pleased.
  • cracking – the best.
  • get-in – awesome, terrific, yay.
  • hunky-dory – cool, good; everything's okay.

Happy and Positive British Slang

  • ace – amazing, awesome, excellent.
  • blinding – fantastic, great, superb.
  • brill – short for "brilliant," cool, exceptionally good.
  • buzzing – excited, happy.
  • chuffed – happy, pleased.
  • cracking – the best.
  • get-in – awesome, terrific, yay.
  • hunky-dory – cool, good; everything's okay.


In British slang, ace means “excellent; first-rate; outstanding.” Whereas Americans might say they aced a test, ace is used in the UK as an adjective, like that movie was ace.

What do Brits say for awesome


Ace. – is used to describe something that is awesome. A word that is popular in the north and amongst youngsters.Ace. – is used to describe something that is awesome. A word that is popular in the north and amongst youngsters.Happy and Positive British Slang

  • ace – amazing, awesome, excellent.
  • blinding – fantastic, great, superb.
  • brill – short for "brilliant," cool, exceptionally good.
  • buzzing – excited, happy.
  • chuffed – happy, pleased.
  • cracking – the best.
  • get-in – awesome, terrific, yay.
  • hunky-dory – cool, good; everything's okay.

Brilliant: Often used to describe something that is wonderful or excellent, or great news.

How do Brits say cool : There are lots of slang and dialect words to say something is good or cool. For example, in Wales you might hear people say 'tidy' or 'lush', while in Birmingham you might hear 'bostin'. In the north of England, you might hear 'ace' and 'mint' and in Northern Ireland you might hear 'dead on' or 'grand'.

What is excellent in British slang : Ace: One fun British slang term is "ace," which means something that's awesome or brilliant – i.e., "She's ace at navigating confusing driving directions." It's also used as a verb to describe excelling at something, like acing a test.