Antwort What is the success rate of asylum in Germany? Weitere Antworten – What are the chances of getting asylum in Germany

What is the success rate of asylum in Germany?
Decisions about asylum applications in Germany 2024

Characteristic Share of decisions
Subsidiary protection granted 27.4%
Determination of deportation ban 6.4%
Total protection rate 53.4%
Rejection 26.8%


Basic benefits for asylum seekers
Single adult Member of household 18-24
'Pocket money' €182 €146
Further basic benefits (excl. costs related to accommodation €228 €182
Total €410 €328
  • 7 Industrialized Countries to Safely Seek Asylum. When you need asylum, you need to get somewhere safe as quickly as possible.
  • Netherlands. Not only is this country widely regarded as one of the best in the world to call home, it is also very welcoming to asylum-seekers.
  • Ireland.
  • Norway.
  • Sweden.
  • Austria.
  • Canada.
  • United States.

How many people are seeking asylum in Germany : Total asylum application numbers in Germany 1995-2024

So far in 2024, The German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees recorded around 71,061 asylum applications. In 2023, there were 351,915 thousand applications, which was an increase of over 100,000 compared to the year before.

What happens if asylum is rejected in Germany

If the BAMF rejects your asylum application, you will be asked to leave Germany. Refugees who receive a "simple" rejection ("einfachen Ablehung") have 30 days to depart.

How long does the asylum process take in Germany : within six months

Previously, the time needed to establish that Germany was responsible for a person's asylum claim under the Dublin Regulation was included – now, the clock starts ticking only after that question has been answered. According to EU regulations, asylum procedures should usually be completed within six months.

What benefits will I receive Asylum seekers in Germany who cannot support themselves receive state assistance. During the asylum process, the federal state of Berlin will pay for your accommodation and food. You will live in an initial reception center or an emergency shelter at the beginning.

Per receiving country

In March 2024, Germany maintained its position as the foremost destination for asylum seekers in the EU+, receiving the most applications (18,000) which amounts to 22% of the total.

What is the asylum rejection rate in Germany

Rejected asylum applications in Germany, 2014-2024

In 2023, about 24 percent of all asylum applications were rejected based on merits, the same share of applications were rejected based on a formal decision. So far in 2024, this figure has risen to almost 27 percent.Previously, the time needed to establish that Germany was responsible for a person's asylum claim under the Dublin Regulation was included – now, the clock starts ticking only after that question has been answered. According to EU regulations, asylum procedures should usually be completed within six months.Previously, the time needed to establish that Germany was responsible for a person's asylum claim under the Dublin Regulation was included – now, the clock starts ticking only after that question has been answered. According to EU regulations, asylum procedures should usually be completed within six months.

Faster, digital processes

The aim is to conclude the asylum procedure and subsequent court proceedings within a period of three months. In all other cases, administrative and first-instance asylum proceedings will be completed within six months.

How to win an asylum case : To increase the chances of being found credible, make sure all of your written and oral statements are true, detailed, complete (to the best of your memory), and consistent (with your other statements, with any other evidence you submitted, and with reports about your country).

Can asylum seekers bring family to Germany : According to the German family asylum law, only close family members can join you here, including: your spouse or registered partner. The spouse must be over 18 years old at the time of marriage. your underage single children.

Which EU country is most immigrant friendly

Top European Countries for Migrants: Where to Settle

  1. Portugal. Portugal, with its warm climate, stunning coastline, and rich history, has become a popular choice for migrants.
  2. Germany.
  3. Ireland.
  4. United Kingdom.
  5. Spain.
  6. Iceland.
  7. Finland.
  8. Denmark.

Per receiving country

In March 2024, Germany maintained its position as the foremost destination for asylum seekers in the EU+, receiving the most applications (18,000) which amounts to 22% of the total.Asylum seekers are notified of the decision in writing and given information on legal remedy. If the asylum application is accepted, persons granted asylum status and those granted refugee status receive a temporary residence permit and are given the same status as Germans within the social insurance system.

What happens to refugees after 5 years in Germany : If you have held a residence title in Germany for at least five years without interruption, you may be eligible for an open-ended residence permit, subject to certain conditions. An unlimited residence title may also be issued prior to expiry of the five-year period in certain cases.