Antwort What is the story behind the Child of Prague? Weitere Antworten – What is the significance of the Child of Prague

What is the story behind the Child of Prague?
By depicting Jesus as a child, the tradition of the Infant of Prague also emphasizes His humanity, and how we are children of God because of the salvation that He brings us. As Pope Benedict XVI said: The figure of the Child Jesus, the tender infant, brings home to us God's closeness and his love.Irish brides hoping for good luck and good weather on the wedding day ritually place a copy of the statue outside their homes. Devotion to the Child of Prague and belief in its power to influence the weather is still strong in many parts of Ireland.The story behind the Infant Jesus of Prague starts in Spain. The legend states that the Infant Jesus appeared to a monk who made the statue based on his holy vision. Another version of the story revealed that St. Teresa of Jesus originally owned the statue and spread the word of the Veneration across Spain.

What is the miracle of the Infant of Prague : Miracles. The Infant Jesus began to bless the monastery, the local people, and also the entire city of Prague. He was credited with miraculous healing and also amongst other things, with saving Prague during the Swedish siege in 1639.

What happens if you break the Child of Prague

"If the head breaks off the Child of Prague, it is considered to be very lucky. "Some people bury the statue in the garden, others place it in the window of their home facing out." The statue is not only associated by Catholics as bringing good weather.

Why does the head fall off the Child of Prague : Well, it's supposed to be headless. According to Irish tradition, the Child of Prague brings good luck, but it's when he's missing his head he brings even more good fortune. This is especially important to brides, because he's the go-to guy for bringing a wee bit of sunshine on your wedding day.

Tradition has it that if you stick a child of Prague statue outside the night before the big day the rain will stay away. While this, of course, does not guarantee anything, most people feel it prudent to stick one outside on the off chance it will make a difference –no one wants a soggy wedding dress.