Antwort What is the most famous last words ever? Weitere Antworten – What are the most famous last words

What is the most famous last words ever?

  1. 1 'Money can't buy life' – Bob Marley.
  2. 2 'Last words are for fools who haven't said enough' – Karl Marx.
  3. 3 'I hope the exit is joyful and hope never to return' – Frida Kahlo.
  4. 4 'Dammit, don't you dare ask God to help me' – Joan Crawford.
  5. 5 'I'm bored with it all' – Winston Churchill.

The Saddest Last Words in History: Exploring the Search for Hopelessness

  • 1. “ May always the right prevail” — Abraham Lincoln.
  • “Smells like roses” — Mozart.
  • “Don't let my pot boil over” — Katherine of Aragon.
  • “I worry about the future of my children” — Nelson Mandela.
  • “Let my body be released” — Anne Boleyn.

idiom informal. said when someone makes a statement that is shown very soon, and in an embarrassing way, to be wrong: I told him categorically that we could never be anything more than friends. Famous last words!

What is Einstein’s last word : Einstein's last identified words remain unknown. He spoke them in German on April 18, 1955, but the attending nurse did not comprehend the language. Einstein's final utterances, if any, remain a mystery as there were no witnesses fluent in German present during his passing.

What were 2Pac’s last words

Tupac's Alleged Last Words Before His Death: "F–k You" – IMDb. Some may not find this surprising. It's been nearly 18 years since the world said goodbye to legendary rapper Tupac Shakur, however new information about his death continue to be released.

What did Mozart say before he died : On the day of his death he asked for the score to be brought to his bedside. 'Did I not say before, that I was writing this Requiem for myself' After saying this, he looked yet again with tears in his eyes through the whole work.

According to the secretary of Albert Einstein, probably the most influential scientist of all time, his last words were spoken in German, and translated, they mean, “I am at the mercy of fate and have no control over it.”

Originally Answered: What is the very last word in the dictionary Zyzzyva, a genus of South African weevils found on or near palm trees, is the newest last word you'll find in the Oxford English Dictionary. Zyzzyva replaces the previous last word in the OED, zythum, an ancient Egyptian malt beer.

What was IQ of Einstein

A bit of Googling revealed Einstein and Stephen Hawking are both said to have had IQs of around 160. That was when it started to sink in that it was "really quite impressive", Mr Bidwell said.Einstein, a certified genius, was also a late talker (according to some biographers). He didn't speak full sentences until he was 5 years old. Einstein's speech delay clearly wasn't an impediment to his intellectual prowess and awe-inspiring accomplishments.“I'm sitting on the bed, and I'm starting to take off my clothes, and he said, 'Okay, I will come back. ' He was going to restroom. This is his last words.”

Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside while still alive. Never surrender.

What were Beethoven’s last words : It's often thought his last words were 'applaud friends, the comedy is ended' (in Latin!) but his parting gift to the world was far less cerebral. After a publisher bought Beethoven 12 bottles of wine as a gift, the dying composer's final words were: 'Pity, pity, too late! '

What did Mozart call himself : Wolfgang Amadé
Mozart most commonly called himself Wolfgang Amadé or Wolfgang Gottlieb. His father, Leopold, came from a family of good standing (from which he was estranged), which included architects and bookbinders. Leopold was the author of a famous violin-playing manual, which was published in the very year of Mozart's birth.

What is Albert Einstein’s IQ

around 160
A bit of Googling revealed Einstein and Stephen Hawking are both said to have had IQs of around 160.

Etymology. Zyzzyva has achieved notoriety for being the last word in several English-language dictionaries. Casey is commonly credited with naming the genus, although the etymology of the word is unclear.Adragon De Mello
It's hard to believe such people exist. Nata-bird wrote: Adragon De Mello (IQ Score: 400)His record was broken in 1994 by another student, but today, De Mello is known to have one of the highest IQ scores in all of human history – an IQ score of 400!

Who has 180 IQ : James Woods: IQ 180

After graduating from high school near the top of his class, American actor James Woods attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on a scholarship.