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What is the final message of the Alchemist?
The End of The Alchemist

In this final portion of the story, Coelho teaches us that we must be open to finding our destiny in unexpected places, and that it must be found before we can truly live the life we were meant to live.The Alchemist Ending Explained

His journey, which took him across the desert and through a series of life-changing experiences, has transformed him. Santiago understands that the real treasure was the wisdom and knowledge he gained, the people he met, and the love he found with Fatima.In the novel, even alchemy, the central symbol of the book, entails coaxing metal to achieve its own Personal Legend to turn into gold. As a result, the idea that all individuals should live in the singular pursuit of their individual dreams emerges as the primary theme of The Alchemist.

What is the conclusion of The Alchemist : The novel's resolution occurs as Santiago's journey comes full circle and he returns to where he began, the abandoned church in Spain. His holy quest formed the spiritual treasure in and of itself, and after speaking directly to God, he digs up the physical treasure of Spanish gold, fulfilling his Personal Legend.

What is the message at the end of The Alchemist

Santiago smiles and says, "I'm coming, Fatima." The book ends with the suggestion that Santiago will return to Fatima and prove that their love is indeed pure and true, and is therefore incorruptible (like the metals the alchemist compared it to).

What is the hidden message in The Alchemist : The Alchemist is a book about listening to your heart and living your dreams by seeing the world with your own eyes and not someone else's.

Follow your dreams: The most important lesson in the book is that it is important to follow your dreams and pursue your personal legend. Santiago's journey teaches us that we should never give up on our dreams, no matter how difficult the journey may seem.

The Alchemist reminds us that each of us can make our own lives—and the world around us—better. But we have to put in the work and be willing to have the courage to confront our dreams: “That's what alchemists do. They show that when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.”

What is the last lesson The Alchemist teaches Santiago

Along the way, Santiago contemplates his heart and the alchemist advises him to always listen to what it has to say. He also says that the last thing he needs to learn is that the Soul of the World tests a person on their life lessons just before achieving a dream.The Alchemist reminds us that each of us can make our own lives—and the world around us—better. But we have to put in the work and be willing to have the courage to confront our dreams: “That's what alchemists do. They show that when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.”Santiago smiles and says, "I'm coming, Fatima." The book ends with the suggestion that Santiago will return to Fatima and prove that their love is indeed pure and true, and is therefore incorruptible (like the metals the alchemist compared it to).

Ultimately, Santiago must realize that everything has a Personal Legend, and that he is connected to everything else through the Soul of the World. Santiago feels an incredible feeling of love and connectedness as he realizes that he too is connected to God and therefore all is possible.

What is the life lesson of The Alchemist : Coelho's story is a compelling reminder that perseverance is essential to achieving our goals. Santiago makes mistakes during his journey, but each one is an opportunity to learn. The Alchemist emphasises the necessity of learning from our mistakes and not letting them define or discourage us.

What is the last line of the Alchemist : I’m coming, Fatima

The Alchemist ends with the end of Santiago's journey across the sea and sands, right back where he started several years before, dreaming under a sycamore tree. Or does it The last line of the novel, "'I'm coming, Fatima,' he said" (Epilogue. 13) shows us that Santiago's not ready to stop traveling.

What is the main goal of Alchemist

Simplified, the aims of the alchemists were threefold: to find the Stone of Knowledge (The Philosophers' Stone), to discover the medium of Eternal Youth and Health, and to discover the transmutation of metals.