Antwort What is not OK during a massage? Weitere Antworten – What parts of the body should not be massaged

What is not OK during a massage?
These are areas of the body where deep, sustained pressure should be avoided because of the structures that lie beneath. Those areas are the anterior and posterior triangles of the neck, suprasternal notch, sternum, axilla, spinal column, umbilical area, inguinal triangle, popliteal fossa, and the antecubital fossa.For most people, a massage is a safe and effective way to relax, but if you have certain heart or circulatory conditions, it may damage your health. You should always check with your specialist doctor or nurse beforehand that the type of massage you want is safe for you.Tone, Texture, Temperature, and Tenderness

In massage therapy training, most learn about the “4 Ts” of palpation: Tone, Texture, Temperature, and Tenderness. This is an extremely useful list that aids the therapist in remembering and organizing; what is being felt, what that might tell us about the state or acuity of the tissues and what to do about it.

What not to do when massaging : Here are some examples of what you, as the client, should never do! :

  1. Don't joke if this is a “happy ending" massage or make any sexual comments.
  2. Don't get sexually excited, it's inappropriate.
  3. Don't break wind.
  4. Avoid talking too much.
  5. Don't use your phone.
  6. Don't be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

When shouldn t you massage

Contagious skin conditions (boils, warts, or herpes) Other skin conditions (burns, rashes, or sores) Circulatory system issues (high blood pressure, varicose veins, or stroke)

What toxins are in muscle knots : Muscle knots themselves don't contain toxins, but they can trap waste like lactic acid, causing discomfort. Deep tissue massage can release knots, improving circulation and easing discomfort.

If you have skin rashes or a sunburn then you should not get a massage. The skin rashes that are contagious or sensitive should not be massaged. A sunburn is also contraindicated for massage therapy, and the sunburn should be healed first. If you have uncontrolled inflammation you may not want to get a massage.

Dress what you're comfortable with, and never let a massage specialist force you to remove clothing. Some massages will require you to remove a few clothing layers, but you will always have the option of wearing your underwear or swimsuit if that's preferable.

Do you take all your clothes off for a massage

This massage is about you and it's important that you feel comfortable. For some people that means leaving some clothing on. For others, it means taking it (mostly) all off. There is no right or wrong, this is your massage.Drink water and avoid caffeine, alcohol

It can also help wake you up if you find yourself feeling drowsy afterward. Additionally, try to avoid caffeine or alcohol for several hours after your massage as they can contribute to dehydration, impact circulation, and may affect you differently than they normally do.Occasionally it causes new physical injuries, usually just minor bruises and nerve lesions, but sometimes far worse: there's a small but serious risk of spinal injury or stroke with any neck manipulation, and blood clots can be dangerously dislodged causing pulmonary embolism (a “stroke” in the lung).

4 Dos and Don'ts You Should Know Before Your Massage

  • DO: Hydrate.
  • DON'T: Drink alcohol or over caffinate.
  • DO: Dress in comfortable clothe.
  • DON'T: Apply lotions, oils, or topical medications.
  • DO: Arrive early for your appointment.
  • DON'T: Sunbathe.
  • DO: Make sure you use the bathroom.
  • DON'T: Arrive with a full stomach.

How do you know if your body is full of toxins : Some signs that your body has a toxin buildup include:

  • Brain fog.
  • Hair loss.
  • Fatigue.
  • Brittle toenails.
  • Bad breath.
  • Nausea.
  • Weight gain.

Can releasing muscle knots make you sick : Massage does not release, remove or flush toxins from the body and, as such, cannot make clients sick. Clients do, however, commonly experience flu-like symptoms after massage as a result of the body trying to repair the muscles, but this is not related to toxins in any way.

When to avoid massage

Tell the therapist if you have these conditions

  • Contagious skin conditions (boils, warts, or herpes)
  • Other skin conditions (burns, rashes, or sores)
  • Circulatory system issues (high blood pressure, varicose veins, or stroke)
  • Digestive system issues (ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, or colitis)
  • Edema.

Many people believe that being completely unclothed is necessary for an effective massage. However, this is a misconception. The necessity to remove clothing depends on the type of massage and the techniques used by the therapist.A full body massage doesn't include breast.

Do you take off bra when getting massage : No you do not have to take your underwear or bra off during a massage. As always, you (the client) only undresses to your comfort level. If you want to take everything off that's up to you – whatever you're comfortable with.