Antwort What is good and bad about using public transport? Weitere Antworten – What are the advantages and disadvantages of using public transportation

What is good and bad about using public transport?
Below are some pros and cons of using public transportation to help better your commute.

  • Pro: Can be more productive while taking public transportation. When you're driving, you have to focus on the road ahead of you.
  • Con: Wait time/cost.
  • Pro: Environmentally friendly.
  • Con: Sharing the experience with others.

it reduces congestion in towns and cities. using public transport is cheaper than owning and operating a car. no more sitting in traffic jams in rush hour thanks to bus lanes and other bus priority measures.Public transport has a low level of comfort. Cleanliness can be a big issue if public transport vehicles are not well-maintained. It leads to foul smells and hygiene problems. People can also get transmittable diseases due to limited space.

What are the pros and cons of using public transport in IELTS : To conclude, there are both positives and negatives going by public transport. While people could save money and protect the environment by using it, they have to endure the inconvinience and slowness. from one location to another.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of transport

Advantages and Disadvantages of Road Transportation in India

  • Advantages of Road Transportation. Accessibility and Flexibility. Door-to-Door Services. Cost-Effectiveness.
  • Disadvantages of Road Transportation. Vulnerability to Weather Conditions. Risk of Accidents and Breakdowns. Limitations for Heavy and Bulk Cargo.
  • Conclusion.

What are three disadvantages of buses : Disadvantages of buses

  • Immobility. Long periods of time on a bus can be uncomfortable for some passengers, especially compared to airplanes or trains where you can move freely.
  • Trip length.
  • Traffic jams and border crossings.
  • Road quality.
  • The possibility of bus breakdowns.

Transportation can be harmful to our health, but it doesn't need to be. The U.S. transportation system amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars each year in traffic crashes, air pollution and physical inactivity.


  • Unpredictable Delays. Unpredictable delays in public transit can happen due to many factors ranging from mechanical breakdowns, traffic congestion, and poor weather conditions.
  • Overcrowding.
  • Insufficient Coverage.
  • Inadequate Infrastructure.
  • Accessibility Challenges.
  • High Fares.
  • Environmental Impact.
  • Inadequate Security.

What are 3 disadvantages of buses

Disadvantages of buses

  • Immobility. Long periods of time on a bus can be uncomfortable for some passengers, especially compared to airplanes or trains where you can move freely.
  • Trip length.
  • Traffic jams and border crossings.
  • Road quality.
  • The possibility of bus breakdowns.

Top-10 Benefits of Public Transportation

  • Freedom and Mobility Amplified by Public Transit.
  • Household Expenses Reduced by Using Public Transit.
  • Social Connections Increase When Driving is Decreased.
  • Commuters More Productive on Public Transit than Cars.
  • Public Transit is a Safe and Equitable Transportation Mode.

Disadvantages of traveling by bus:

  • Travel time. Bus travel often takes longer than other forms of transportation, especially over long distances.
  • Limited space. Compared to other forms of transportation, buses may have limited space for luggage and passenger movement.
  • The need for planning.
  • Potential delays.

Buses can also have comfortable seats and room temperature, but space can be limited, especially over long distances. With personal transportation, you have control over the comfort of your vehicle and can stop whenever you want. Cost. The cost can be different for each mode of transportation.

What are the disadvantages of transportation : Disadvantages of Road Transportation

  • Vulnerable to Season and Weather Impacts: Road transport infrastructure and travel is vulnerable to weather changes and seasons.
  • Accidents and Breakdowns:
  • Not the Best Option for Long Distance and Heavy Cargo:
  • Slow Speed:
  • Lack of Organisation and Structure:

What are the risks in transportation : For transportation companies, the risks typically reside in three areas: fleet integrity and safety, driver safety and retention, and compliance. The first two areas are subject to external influences, particularly weather events, natural disasters, traffic, and road conditions.

Why people don’t use public transport

In a recent study at the University of California at Berkley, researchers discovered that commuters are more inclined to stop using public transit if they experience delays which can be blamed on the transit agency. (Most people will forgive other inconveniences such as traffic, emergencies or mechanical failures.)

It affects our health, economy, and environment. In terms of health, transportation choices and patterns can influence various exposures and health outcomes. For example, transportation can promote physical activity and social connectivity, but it can also contribute to air pollution, road travel injuries, and stress .Disadvantages of buses

Immobility. Long periods of time on a bus can be uncomfortable for some passengers, especially compared to airplanes or trains where you can move freely. Trip length. Bus trips often take longer, especially for long distances, which can be inconvenient for travelers with limited time.

What are the risks of Travelling : The negative impact of sudden changes in the environment can be minimized by taking simple precautions.

  • altitude.
  • heat and humidity.
  • ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
  • foodborne and waterborne health risks.
  • travellers' diarrhoea.
  • recreational waters.
  • animals and insects.
  • intestinal parasites.