Antwort What is example of accommodation? Weitere Antworten – What is an example of accommodation in tourism

What is example of accommodation?
Tourist collective accommodation is a facility that regularly or occasionally provides accommodation for tourists, such as hotels, campsites, short-term furnished accommodation, holiday homes, resorts, holiday centres for children and young people, youth hostels and refuges, etc.Providing multiple types of accommodation ensures that guests can choose an option that best fits their preferences and budget. Some guests may prefer a standard room for a short stay, while others may prefer a suite with more amenities and space for a longer holiday.Examples of accommodation in a Sentence

They weren't sure if they could provide food and accommodations for the whole group. The accommodations on board the boat are a bit cramped. He hoped to reach an accommodation with the new owners.

What does provide accommodation mean : (əkɒmədeɪʃən ) uncountable noun. Accommodation is used to refer to buildings or rooms where people live or stay.

What is accommodation and example

Accommodation is all about making room — it can mean a room or place where you will stay or an agreement about sharing something. If the only accommodation at Grandma's is the bunk bed and you and your sis decide to take turns on the top, you've made an accommodation regarding your accommodations.

What is the best example of an accommodation : A hotel, motel and inn are each an example of an accommodation for travelers. 2. A ramp leading up to the front door of an apartment building is an example of an accommodation for a resident in a wheelchair. "Accommodation." YourDictionary.

In this chapter, accommodations are organized into four categories: • Presentation—how students receive information, Responding—how students show what they know, • Setting—how the environment is made accessible for instruction and assessment, and • Scheduling—how time demands and schedules may be adjusted.

Accommodation occurs when we change our existing schema to accommodate new information. Schemas, or organized knowledge, help us understand and interpret our world. An example of accommodation is modifying your understand of the concept of a car to include a specific type of vehicle once you learn about trucks.

What is the meaning of accommodation with example

accommodation noun (PLACE TO STAY)

a place to stay or live: They paid for his flights and hotel accommodation. There's a shortage of cheap accommodation in the city. There is accommodation for about five hundred students on campus.Example 2: One classic example of accommodation involves a child who understands that a four-legged creature is called a dog. Then, the child encounters a cat and refers to it as a dog until corrected by a parent. After being corrected, the child can distinguish between a dog and a cat.Mobility Impairment

  • Note taker / lab assistant.
  • Classrooms, labs, and field trips in accessible locations.
  • Accessible furniture and equipment made available.
  • Class assignments made available in electronic format.
  • Computer equipped with special input device/assistive technology (e.g., voice input, alternative keyboard.

They were kind enough to accommodate me with a ride to the train station. I asked them for additional money, and they accommodated me with a loan. He would often change his schedule to accommodate his clients. New facilities are being added to accommodate the special needs of elderly residents.

What is a simple example of accommodation : Accommodation is all about making room — it can mean a room or place where you will stay or an agreement about sharing something. If the only accommodation at Grandma's is the bunk bed and you and your sis decide to take turns on the top, you've made an accommodation regarding your accommodations.

What are some examples of accommodating : Examples of accommodate in a Sentence

The ceilings were too low to accommodate his terrific height. They were kind enough to accommodate me with a ride to the train station. I asked them for additional money, and they accommodated me with a loan. He would often change his schedule to accommodate his clients.