Antwort What is called bus? Weitere Antworten – What is a bus in a computer

What is called bus?
A bus, in computing and digital technology, is an electronic pathway through which data can be transferred. This pathway uses signals that move at different speeds and are sent through different channels to communicate information between components within a computer or network.There are three types of bus lines: Data bus, Address bus, and Control bus. Communication over each bus line is performed in cooperation with another. The data bus is a signal line for exchanging the data between the CPU and the memory, and between the CPU and I/O, and handles the data stored in the specified location.What Does Bus Mean A bus is a subsystem that is used to connect computer components and transfer data between them. For example, an internal bus connects computer internals to the motherboard. A “bus topology” or design can also be used in other ways to describe digital connections. A bus may be parallel or serial.

Why is it called a bus : The word bus is short for omnibus, which means “for everyone.” Bus was first used in this sense in the 1830s, its "everyone" meaning referencing the fact that anyone could join the coach along its route, unlike with stagecoaches, which had to be pre-booked.

What is a bus used for

bus, any of a class of large, self-propelled, wheeled vehicles that are designed to carry passengers, generally on a fixed route. They were developed at the beginning of the 20th century to compete with streetcars by providing greater route flexibility. The bus was a natural outgrowth of the horse-driven coach.

What are the three 3 types of buses : Types of buses

  • Coach / Motor coach.
  • School bus.
  • Shuttle bus.
  • Minibus.
  • Minicoach.
  • Double-decker bus.
  • Single-decker bus.
  • Low-floor bus.


  • Address bus – carries memory addresses from the processor to other components such as primary storage and input/output devices.
  • Data bus – carries the data between the processor and other components.
  • Control bus – carries control signals from the processor to other components.

But in the field of electrical engineering, this has nothing to do with the vehicle. BUS is an acronym for "Binary Unit System". A “Binary Unit System” is used to transfer data between participants in a network with the help of cables.

Why is it called a bus in computer

Early computer buses were bundles of wire that attached computer memory and peripherals. Anecdotally termed the "digit trunk" in the early Australian CSIRAC computer, they were named after electrical power buses, or busbars. Almost always, there was one bus for memory, and one or more separate buses for peripherals.Note that in British English, and therefore in much of Europe's English-language signage and websites, a long-distance bus is called a "coach," while a "bus" provides only in-city transit.In Britain, a comfortable bus that carries passengers on long journeys is called a coach. The coach leaves Cardiff at twenty to eight. In America, a vehicle designed for long journeys is usually called a bus. He took a bus from New York to Seattle.

An omnibus is another word for a bus, as in a large vehicle carrying lots of passengers. Other names are autobus and coach.

What is the other name for bus : synonyms: autobus, charabanc, coach, double-decker, jitney, motorbus, motorcoach, omnibus, passenger vehicle.

What is a fancy bus called : Motorcoach. Motorcoaches are the largest and most luxurious buses in a charter company's fleet. They typically have reclining seats, onboard restrooms, DVD players, and other amenities to make your ride comfortable.

What do you call a big bus

Coaches. A coach may also be called a motorcoach, coach bus, or charter bus. Smaller models may be considered minicoaches or minibuses.

The word "bus" comes from "omnibus", meaning all. A bus in a computer system is something that connects to all of a set of devices. In USB 1, all the devices are effectively wired together. The host speaks to all the devices, but though they all hear what it transmits, only the addressed device pays attention.Why is it called Universal Serial Bus The name "universal serial bus" stems from its historical beginnings as a specification designed to provide a mechanism for connector standardisation – basically it was a descriptor for the specification.

What is a London bus called : Double-decker buses were popularised in Great Britain at the start of the 20th century and today the best-known example is the red London bus, namely the AEC Routemaster.