Antwort What is a real life example of the Streisand effect? Weitere Antworten – What are examples of the Streisand effect

What is a real life example of the Streisand effect?
Here is a hypothetical example of the Streisand effect: Someone posts an embarrassing photo of a celebrity online. Around 100 people see it. The celebrity takes legal action to enforce its removal. Upon learning of the legal action, the media covers the story.Today, the term Streisand Effect has come to mean any attempt to suppress information that has the unintended consequence of stimulating greater demand for information than if nothing had been done."If there is something in my text that someone doesn't wish to be known to the public, it seems to me that inclusion in an expensive book set that has only a few thousand buyers in several different countries would be a rather harmless revelation. But now that text will be on the INTERNET.

What is the Streisand effect 101 : The Streisand effect is an unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information, where the effort instead increases public awareness of the information.

What is the Streisand rule

Streisand effect, phenomenon in which an attempt to censor, hide, or otherwise draw attention away from something only serves to attract more attention to it.

How to avoid the streisand effect : The best strategy to counter the Streisand effect is to avoid aggressive tactics when faced with negative information. If there's a chance that your actions could come off as “David and Goliath,” then you should probably choose another approach. Next, focus on indirect means of suppression.

Streisand effect, phenomenon in which an attempt to censor, hide, or otherwise draw attention away from something only serves to attract more attention to it.

The best strategy to counter the Streisand effect is to avoid aggressive tactics when faced with negative information. If there's a chance that your actions could come off as “David and Goliath,” then you should probably choose another approach. Next, focus on indirect means of suppression.

How does Barbra Streisand feel about the Streisand effect

"When I first heard the term, I naively thought, Is that about the effect of my music" she wrote in her book. "Little did I know." Streisand went on to say she didn't intend to try to remove the picture of her house from the website. She merely didn't want her name to be publicized with it, for security reasons.Coined in 2005 by Mike Masnick, after a 2003 incident in which singer Barbra Streisand attempted to have a picture of her house removed from a public collection of 12,000 images documenting coastal erosion in California.