Antwort What fast means in German? Weitere Antworten – What is the opposite of günstig

What fast means in German?
favorable, convenient. (for circumstances that are "good" for something.) Opposite: ungünstig. Show / Hide Examples. Weil der Wind günstig steht, kommt der Pirat pünktlich nach Hause.Leicht is the opposite of schwer, while einfach is the opposite of kompliziert. You can use both to say that math test was easy. But when talking about weight, you need leicht.Words

  • Thank you – Danke (dan-kuh”)
  • You're welcome – Bitteschön (“bit-tuh-shun“)
  • Please, excuse me, or pardon – Bitte (“bit-tuh”)
  • Yes – Ja (“jah”)
  • No – Nein (“nine”)
  • Hello – Hallo (“hallo”)
  • Goodbye – Auf Wiedersehen (“Owf Veeder-sane”)
  • German – Deutsch (“doych”)

What is the opposite of hasslichen : ugly synonym, antonym ▲ Synonym: unschön Antonym: schön.

How do you say cheap in a nice way

Synonyms of cheap

  1. inexpensive.
  2. affordable.
  3. reasonable.
  4. popular.
  5. low.
  6. low-end.
  7. cheapie.
  8. chintzy.

What is the opposite of 勇敢 : English synonyms: brave, courageous. Synonyms: 勇敢的, 大胆, 大胆的, 有胆量, 有胆量的 Antonyms: cowardly, fearful.

The difference between leicht and einfach is. "leicht" can refer to something that is simple, but it can also refer to something that is light! "Einfach" is almost the same. (for us germans, there are differences but we use it amolst every time the same way as "leicht") But I would rather translate it as "simple"!


[ˈainfax] adjective. 1. simple; Mensch ordinary; Essen plain.

How can I speak German fast

How to learn German fast – 7 useful tips

  1. 1 – Go out of your way to speak to German people.
  2. 2 – Watch German content with subtitles.
  3. 3 – Immerse yourself in German.
  4. 4 – Start with the basics.
  5. 5 – Learn the basic grammar rules early on.
  6. 6 – Start constructing sentences and phrases.
  7. 7 – Learn Modal Verbs.

If you're ready, let's dive into some of the hardest German words to pronounce.

  1. Eichhörnchen (Squirrel)
  2. Streichholzschachtel (Box of matches)
  3. Freundschaftsbeziehungen (Friendship relations)
  4. Rührei (Scrambled eggs)
  5. Arbeitslosigkeitsversicherung (Unemployment insurance)
  6. Röntgen (X-ray)
  7. Quietscheentchen (Rubber duck)

levo-: From the Latin "laevus" meaning on the left side. For example, a molecule that shows levorotation is turning or twisting to the left. The opposition of levo- is dextro- (from the Latin "dexter" meaning on the right side) so the opposite of levorotation is dextrorotation.

Learn languages at your pace

fleißig diligent faul
frei free unfrei
freundlich friendly unfreundlich
froh glad traurig

What are the synonyms of fast : adverb

  • quickly.
  • rapidly.
  • quick.
  • swiftly.
  • hot.
  • soon.
  • swift.
  • immediately.

How to call a person cheap :

  1. cheapskate.
  2. cheese-parer.
  3. miser.
  4. moneygrubber.
  5. pinchpenny.
  6. Scrooge.
  7. skinflint.
  8. tightwad.

Is there a word opposite

An antonym is a word that is the opposite of another word. An opposite can be the other side of, reverse of, or something contrary to anything, not just words. Below are some examples: 'Hot' is the antonym/opposite of 'cold.

There are a few different types of antonyms including contronyms (also known as auto-antonyms), graded antonyms, complementary antonyms, and converse antonyms).Translation of "mein Beruf" in English. my job my profession my career my business. my occupation.

How do Germans use einfach : In German, the word 'einfach' translates to 'easy', or 'simple'. “Wie findest du die Prüfung” “Ja, ich fand es einfach!” (“How did you find the exam” “Ah, it was easy!”) In addition to the other answers: it can be used as short form for 'one way' or 'no return ticket'.