Antwort What are 4 components of culture and give an example of each? Weitere Antworten – What is Nord’s theory of translation

What are 4 components of culture and give an example of each?
Generally, the theory argues that translation must be based on context, for better understanding. Nord believes in a functional translation theory, where the target text (TT) determines the kind of choice and strategy adopted in the translation process (Nord 2005, pp. 43-48).Intratextual factors are analysed by enquiring about the subject matter the text deals with (on what subject matter), the information or content presented in the text (what), the knowledge presuppositions made by the author (what not), the composition or construction of the text (in what order), the non-linguistic …While very “few culture-studies theorists investigate the specifically linguistic question of postcolonial cultural transactions, preferring to treat 'translation' as a metaphor,” Spivak claims that the translator must surrender to the text in order to show the limits of the source language, and thus the “translator …

What is Nord functional approach to translation : Nord believes that the translator should be responsible bilaterally for the target receiver as well as the original author. The translator should respect the source text producer and try to adjust the purpose of the target text and the source text writer's intentions.

What are the cultural factors in translation

In other words, different languages reflect different cultures and values, and if the culture of the source language (SL) differs from that of the target language (TL), word selections or ways of making statements will be different in the target text (TT) from those of the source text (ST).

What is inter and intra lingual translation : Intralingual translation translation within the same language, which can involve rewording or paraphrase; 2. interlingual translation -translation from one language to another. 3. intersemiotic translation – translation of the verbal sign by a non-verbal sign, for example music or image.

According to Anton Popovic (1987), translation theory is a science which. studies the systemic examination of translation and its task is to structure the. translation process and the text. Similarly, Peter Newmark (1981) defines translation. theory as a body of information related to translation process.

Coined by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, it is “a process by which the empire can define itself against those it colonizes, excludes and marginalizes. […] The business of creating the enemy…in order that the empire might define itself by its geographical and racial others” (171, 173).

What is a functional language approach

A functional approach asserts that we need to learn how to choose our language to meet the particular needs of a situation. In the last few decades, many educational writers have suggested that educational failure is often really language failure.A translation that achieves the intended purpose may be called 'functional', which means that a text (in this case, a translation) 'works' for its receivers in a particular communicative situation, i.e., in the way the sender wants it to work.Social cultural factors influence the feelings, attitudes, values, beliefs and interactions of a populaiton group. Examples include social classes, religious norms, wealth distribution, language, business and health practices, social values and attitude towards work.

These concepts can refer to domains such as flora, fauna, food, clothes, housing, work, leisure, politics, law, and religion among others. For example, words like koala, espresso and sari are all culture- specific items that exist in a certain culture and not in others.

What is intralingual and example : Intralingual translation involves explaining a word's meaning with words in the same language. It is the type of translation you would find in a language dictionary. This type of translation explains the meaning of a particular word for speakers who either don't or only partially understand the language.

What is an example of an intersemiotic translation : An intersemiotic translation is any form of translation that involves at least two different semiotic codes; for example, the translation from words to images, to numerical code, or to non-verbal sounds.

What are the four types of translation

4 Most Popular Types of Translation

  • Literary translation. Literary translation, as the name implies, is the process of translating literary works, such as poems, stories or novels, skits, or plays into another language.
  • Professional translation.
  • Technical translation.
  • Administrative translation.

■ “Cultural translation” can be understood as a process in which there is. no start text and usually no fixed target text. The focus is on cultural processes rather than products. ■ The prime cause of cultural translation is the movement of people. (subjects) rather than the movement of texts (objects).What does Spivak mean by subaltern Subaltern is a term first put forward by Marxist theorist Antonio Gramsci, to describe the lower ranks of the Soviet Army. For Spivak, the subaltern class are those in the developing world who are voiceless and excluded from the mainstream narrative of history.

What is the othering theory : The theory states that through a process of social categorization, we categorize people on the basis of distinct features, such as gender or ethnicity. Similarities between groups of people are emphasized, creating categories of groups of people to which we belong (ingroup) or do not belong (out-group).