Antwort Was ww1 a war crime? Weitere Antworten – What were the atrocities of World War 1

Was ww1 a war crime?
This includes the use of indiscriminate violence and massacres against civilians, torture, sexual violence, forced deportation and population transfer, death marches, the use of chemical weapons and the targeting of medical facilities.While Poland did not exist as an independent state during World War I, its geographical position between the fighting powers meant that much fighting and terrific human and material losses occurred on the Polish lands between 1914 and 1918.The German army opened the war on the Western Front with a modified version of the Schlieffen Plan, designed to quickly attack France through neutral Belgium before turning southwards to encircle the French army on the German border. The Belgians fought back, and sabotaged their rail system to delay the Germans.

Why was World War 1 so cruel : New technologies like chemical gas and long-range artillery drove conflict to cruel new heights. Nine million soldiers died while the civilian death toll likely exceeded ten million. Infectious diseases also ran rampant, fighting leveled infrastructure, and the financial toll of the war was immense.

How brutal was ww1

In battle, soldiers had to charge out of the trenches and across no-man's land into a hail of bullets and shrapnel and poison gas. They were easy targets and casualties were enormously high. By the end of 1914, after just five months of fighting, the number of dead and wounded exceeded four million men.

Who won WW1 : The First World War saw the Entente Powers, led by France, Russia, the British Empire, and later Italy (from 1915) and the United States (from 1917), defeat the Central Powers, led by the German, Austro-Hungarian, Bulgarian and Ottoman Empires. Russia withdrew from the war after the revolution in 1917.

This was, however, incomparable to the roughly 3.5 million Polish soldiers who were mobilized to serve in the regular forces of the Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and German armies. Many of them were fighting their compatriots on the battlefields.

The largest share of responsibility lies with the German government. Germany's rulers made possible a Balkan war by urging Austria-Hungary to invade Serbia, well understanding that such a conflict might escalate. Without German backing it is unlikely that Austria-Hungary would have acted so drastically.

Was WW1 pointless

World War I carries a reputation as a pointless bloodbath. This conjures up images of unimaginative military operations. Mass infantry charging senselessly into machinegun fire. Despite these views, the war sparked a revolution in military tactics and technologies.World War I has been called unnecessary because the original dispute that triggered the conflict was limited, yet it triggered a massive, global war.3 The brutality of WWII saw 42 countries contribute to the killing of 60 million people, costing the world economy approximately $1.3 trillion. 4 From a pure statistical perspective, WWII demonstrated a higher level of intensity than WWI as a result of military actions and its consequences.

However, the western Allied Powers soon defeated the Central Powers. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was annulled by the Armistice of 11 November 1918, in which Germany surrendered to the western Allied Powers. Russia was later recognized as the victorious country by the Treaty of Versailles of 1919.

Is 1917 based on a real story : Ultimately, the story Sam Mendes told in 1917 of the pair of Lance-Corporals is fictional, insofar as there was no specific mission undertaken by Blake and Schofield to halt an attack on German lines on 6th April 1917.

Who won the Polish war : Polish victory
Polish–Soviet War

Date 1918/1919 – 18 March 1921 (2 years, 1 month and 4 days)
Result Polish victory
Territorial changes Poland retained control of modern-day Western Ukraine and Western Belarus (Kresy in interwar Poland) Soviet forces retained control of modern-day Eastern Ukraine and Eastern Belarus

Why did ww1 go badly for Germany

Germany lacked the necessary raw materials to make cordite (the vital propellant for bullets and shells) and explosives. Austria-Hungary was hampered by a lack of rail transport and rail infrastructure. Britain had a manpower shortage and a paucity of acetone, the key component for making cordite.

Austria-Hungary was not to blame for WWI because their attack on Serbia was a justified response to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The paramilitary group, later known as Young Bosnia, comprised mostly of Bosnian Serbs who sought the liberation of Bosnia from Austria-Hungary.During WWI, there were many military advances such as the use of airplanes and airships. Also, communications were improved and there were many medical advances. After the end of the war, these technological advances were applied to peaceful purposes and the use of the general population.

Would it be bad if Germany won WW1 : If Germany had won on the Western Front, it would have acquired some French territory and maybe Belgium. The Germans probably wouldn't have been able to enjoy their victory for long. Britain would have retained its independence, protected by its navy that might have continued the hunger blockade against Germany.