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Was Pennywise originally a human?
Pennywise Arrived On Earth Centuries Ago

Despite his iconic and unsettling appearance, Pennywise is not a clown but rather an ancient, evil being that is perhaps as old as the universe itself. In the novel, the entity IT/Pennywise's real name is Bob Gray. Bob Gray isn't human and shares the same origin as IT.Pennywise is billions of years old and originates from the space beyond the universe. Carried to Earth countless years ago by a meteor, Pennywise found a new home living below the area of land that would eventually become the town of Derry, Maine.Pennywise is just a mask, an act that It uses when convenient. It is the real monster behind the monster. If you want to get technical, It is an alien, but It's origin goes well beyond that. It is actually an ancient cosmic deity.

How did Pennywise become evil : Pennywise was always evil – or, more accurately, he never really existed. He was just a creation of IT to lure in children so they could be terrified and then eaten. Or so that IT could create chaos, incite riots and spread fear.

Was Pennywise originally a girl

In the novel, It claims that its true name is Robert "Bob" Gray, but decided to be named “It”. Throughout the book, It is generally referred to as male, usually appearing as Pennywise. The Losers come to believe It may be female after seeing it in the form of a monstrous giant spider that lays eggs.

What kind of demon is Pennywise : In IT, is Pennywise the clown a demon from hell No, Pennywise is just a form that 'It' takes. 'It' is actually an ancient being that's been around since the creation of the Universe/Universes. These beings are mentioned in Stephen Kings 'The Dark Tower' series.

In both the book and the films, It is an ancient alien creature, older than civilization, and in King's novel, older than our universe. It feasts on the flesh of humans simply because our fears are easy to manifest and they make us taste better.

the turtle Maturin

At some point in the novel, King explained part of IT's backstory but left enough of it untold to raise many questions about it, and everything about Pennywise's origins is a bit confusing, as it's connected to the macroverse and the turtle Maturin, who's the only being IT is afraid of.

Is Pennywise biologically female

Throughout the novel, It is generally referred to as male. However, late in the novel, the characters come to realize that It is most likely female, due to its true form in the physical realm being that of a giant pregnant female spider.The Deadlights are the true form of Pennywise/IT. The Deadlights are orange writhing lights that exist in Todash Darkness. Pennywise uses the Deadlights to break a person's mind because one look at the Deadlights will make a person go insane due to it not being able to be comprehended by a human mind.Literature. In the novel, It is a shapeshifting monster who usually takes the form of Pennywise the Dancing Clown, originating in a void containing and surrounding the Universe—a place referred to in the novel as the "Macroverse".

They reach the conclusion that Pennywise has all of the adults under some sort of spell that prohibits them from seeing him. The adults of Derry are shown to be villainous in their own right as well. The adults of Derry are shown to be true villains of the story in the same way as Pennywise.

Why did IT choose to be a clown : "The Losers Club" becomes aware of Pennywise's presence after it kills Bill's little brother, Georgie. King stated in a 2013 interview that he came up with the idea for Pennywise after asking himself what children feared "more than anything else in the world", and feeling that the answer was clowns.

Why does Pennywise not eat adults : Pennywise never seems to bother offing the older folks in Derry, but he has taken out older teenagers and young adults as well as children. It's established early on that Pennywise prefers the taste of children over other types of prey, but such a diet would undoubtedly raise too many questions.

Why does Pennywise wait 27 years

IT arrived on Earth through an event similar to an asteroid impact, landing in what would later become Derry, Maine. Once there, IT adopted its usual pattern of hibernation that lasted between 27 and 30 years, awakening to kill and eat and then going back to sleep.

It describes that it prefers to kill and devour children, not by nature, rather because children's fears are easier to interpret in a physical form and thus children are easier to fill with terror, which It says is akin to marinating the meat.