Antwort Is there a gender pay gap in Germany? Weitere Antworten – Does gender pay gap exist in Germany

Is there a gender pay gap in Germany?
German gender pay gap in numbers

In this case, the researchers estimated that in 2022 women in Germany earned 18% less on average compared with their male counterparts. Men made an average of €24.36 ($25.94) gross per hour across all sectors, while women earned €20.05 ($21.35) per hour before taxes.South Korea
Which Countries Have the Worst Gender Pay Gaps

Rank Country Percentage Difference in Men's & Women's Full-time Earnings
1 🇰🇷 South Korea 31.2%
2 🇮🇱 Israel 25.4%
3 🇱🇻 Latvia 24.9%
4 🇯🇵 Japan 21.3%


The gender pay gap considerably varied in the EU and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) bloc. In 2022, it was over 17 per cent in several countries. Estonia had the highest gender pay gap at 21.3 per cent, followed by Austria (18.4 per cent), Switzerland and Czechia (both 17.9 per cent).

What is the gender pay gap in Czech Republic : The Gender Pay Gap (GPG), which indicates how much less women earn on average than men, remains at 16.4% in the Czech Republic, while the average difference in the EU is 13%.

Is there gender inequality in Germany

Germany has a gender gap in the share of women and men employed in its energy and transport sectors. In 2022, women made up only 26 % of workers in Germany's energy sector. Similarly, women accounted for less than a quarter of workers in the country's transport sector in 2022 (24 %).

What is the gender policy in Germany : German constitutional law stresses the equality of men and women and expresses a federal commitment to an active and effective equality policy. Article 3(2) of the Foundational Law (Grundgesetz) of 1949 stresses that '(1) all humans are equal before the law; and (2) men and women are equal in rights.

Iceland consistently ranks highly for global gender equality, and was last year named the most gender-equal country in the world for the fourteenth year in a row.

Which States Have the Largest Gender Pay Gaps Vermont was the closest to achieving gender parity, as women there made 89 cents for every dollar a man made. California (88 cents), New York (88 cents) and Nevada (87 cents) were also among states with the smallest pay gaps.

What job has the biggest gender pay gap

Of the 20 largest occupations for women studied as part of IWPR's research, the five with the worst pay inequities were:

  • Financial Managers, where women only earn 71% of what men earn.
  • Retail Salesperson—72%
  • Education and Childcare Administrators—79%
  • Administrative Assistants—80%
  • Managers—81%

The gender pay gap at median earnings in Poland (10%) is one of the lowest in the OECD (the OECD average is 16%); and the pay gap among top earners in Poland is small. Women in Poland are more likely to have permanent employment than men and to work in professional occupations.In recent years, Slovakia's gender pay gap was generally higher in the public sector. In 2022, female employees in the private sector received wages 17.7 percent lower than those of men. In the public sector, this figure amounted to18.

Source: Swedish National Mediation Office and Statistics Sweden. As the table shows, women had an average of 90.1 percent of men's wages in 2022, which corresponds to a gender pay gap of 9.9 percent (100-90.1).

Does Germany have income inequality : Since the 1980s, income inequality in Germany has been rising. According to the German think-tank DIW, a typical citizen in the upper 1% of earnings in Germany holds a personal wealth of at least 800,000 euros ($1.09 million), whilst over 25% of all adults have either no wealth or negative wealth due to debt.

What is the salary discrimination in Germany : In 2023, the gender pay gap, which measures the percentage difference in average gross hourly earnings between men and women, amounted to 18% in Germany. As in previous years, this was considerably higher than the EU27 average (13%).

Does Germany have gender quotas

Voluntary quotas set by the companies themselves have not been effective. By contrast, the quota in supervisory boards introduced in Germany in 2015 has now resulted in a 34.9% share of women in DAX40 companies (as of March 1, 2022).


1) Denmark

Nordic countries usually come out on top for measures related to gender equality, and the GII is no exception. Denmark has the best GII score based on the most recent data (2021), at 0.013.The former Soviet nations of Lithuania, Ukraine and Russia are the least likely to believe gender equality is very important, though more than half in each country hold this view.

What job has the worst gender pay gap : Of the 20 largest occupations for women studied as part of IWPR's research, the five with the worst pay inequities were:

  • Financial Managers, where women only earn 71% of what men earn.
  • Retail Salesperson—72%
  • Education and Childcare Administrators—79%
  • Administrative Assistants—80%
  • Managers—81%