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Is Snoke more powerful than Yoda?
Weaker – Rey

Ultimately, she has been a Jedi for around a year. That does not compare with over nine-hundred years of lightsaber skill – of which Rey is talented but not near the very top – and Force study – of which again, Rey is talented, but not at the top of the list where Yoda resides.Darth Vader and Kylo Ren are powerful villains in Star Wars, but Vader's control and training give him the edge over Kylo Ren. Kylo Ren may have raw Force power, but Vader's mastery of the Force and lightsaber skills make him the more formidable opponent.This ensured that the Sith could hone their skills in secret without fear of betrayal from rival Sith factions. More cunning and devious than all but the most attuned Force-sensitive beings, Darth Bane could more than likely defeat Yoda in a battle of both strength and wit.

Is Yoda the most powerful Jedi ever : Yoda was one of the most powerful Jedi Masters to ever live, whose amazing abilities could have been terrifying if he had ever turned to the Dark Side of the Force. However, even without actually turning evil, Yoda was still able to inadvertently bring about the fall of the Jedi Order by the end of the Clone Wars.

Can Rey beat Vader

He has decades of experience and even though Rey's brute power has seen her through every fight, Vader has the power and the skill, something Rey lacks in comparison. Rey just couldn't match up to Vader.

Could Yoda beat Palpatine : Yoda still stands as one of the most powerful characters in Star Wars, yet even he couldn't defeat Palpatine. After their battle in Revenge of the Sith, Yoda felt beaten and fled into exile on Dagobah, where he hid away for 19 years.

Ultimately, the Force dyad that links Rey and Kylo Ren makes Rey the most powerful Jedi between her and the Skywalkers. A Force dyad is described as being more powerful than life itself, striking a perfect balance between the light and dark side.

Yoda recognized that he couldn't defeat Palpatine in one-on-one combat, as Palpatine's power in the Force was greater, and continuing to fight would likely result in his demise.

Who is Yoda’s biggest enemy

Darth Sidious. Of all the Force users in the galaxy, only Darth Sidious, perhaps the most powerful Sith Lord of all time, rivaled Yoda's mastery of the Force and strength with a lightsaber during the waning days of the Clone Wars.Thus, while Qui-Gon was less powerful than the likes of Yoda and Mace Windu, Palpatine feared him more. In simplest terms, he was a wild card, and with the Sidious executing an intricate decades-long plan to seize power and destroy the Jedi, a wild card was something he just couldn't afford.Rey was powerful with the Force, as anyone from Palpatine's bloodline would be, but it's highly doubtful she was anywhere near as powerful as Anakin Skywalker.

Kylo lost to Rey in TFA because he was heavily wounded and was holding back against her due to Snoke's request that he bring her back to him alive. He is also stated by Palpatine in the Secrets of the Sith book to be “equally as powerful as a real Sith despite not being one”.

Could Yoda beat Vader : When it comes down to both combatants in their prime, Yoda was superior to Darth Vader. That debate extends even further to prime Anakin Skywalker as well. He would have been outmatched by Yoda for many of the same reasons Obi-Wan outmatched him, and more.

Is Palpatine afraid of Yoda : As powerful as Darth Sidious may have been, it's easy to forget he actually seemed afraid of Master Yoda. As seen in Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine initially thought he could deal with the aged Jedi Master – and then, when Yoda proved able to counter the Sith Lord's Force lightning, he fled.

Who is stronger KYLO or Rey

Kylo lost to Rey in TFA because he was heavily wounded and was holding back against her due to Snoke's request that he bring her back to him alive. He is also stated by Palpatine in the Secrets of the Sith book to be “equally as powerful as a real Sith despite not being one”.

10 Evilest Jedi In Star Wars

  • 8 Mace Windu.
  • 7 Barriss Offee.
  • 6 Asajj Ventress.
  • 5 Count Dooku.
  • 4 Ben Solo.
  • 3 Anakin Skywalker.
  • 2 Taron Malicos.
  • 1 General Pong Krell. If the Sith had recruited General Pong Krell and taught him all they knew, he arguably would have been on par with Darth Vader.

He understood he lost the ethereal battle before their physical fight even began. Thus, Palpatine never viewed Yoda as a major concern, even though the Jedi Master fought him to a de facto draw during the events of Revenge of the Sith.

Can Rey beat Darth Vader : He has decades of experience and even though Rey's brute power has seen her through every fight, Vader has the power and the skill, something Rey lacks in comparison. Rey just couldn't match up to Vader.