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Is Romanian Latin or Slavic?
Romania is a Latin country with a vast native culture which derives from the Roman Empire.The romanians/vlachs were never slavic, culturaly nor religious. There is a reason why there are so many Slavic loan words in Romanian, there was large amount of Slavs that settled in what is Romania today, they were assimilated into Romanian culture.While most of Romanian grammar and morphology are based on Latin, there are some features that are shared only with other languages of the Balkans and not found in other Romance languages.

Is Romanian older than Latin : According to one of the main theories on the origin of Romanian, it was preceded by Vulgar Latin spoken in Dacia.

When did Romania switch to Latin

The Romanian Cyrillic alphabet is the Cyrillic alphabet that was used to write the Romanian language & Old Church Slavonic before the 1860s, when it was officially replaced by a Latin-based Romanian alphabet. Cyrillic remained in occasional use until the 1920s, mostly in Russian-ruled Bessarabia.

Why did Romania speak Latin : In the second century, the Romans invaded and conquered this country. At this time, Roman culture would become the dominant language and culture of the country, changing everything that had previously been Dacia. Dacians would begin speaking 'Vulgar Latin”, which at the time was the common Roman language.

Orthography. Romanian is written in a Roman alphabet that was instituted in 1859. Prior to that it was written in a Cyrillic alphabet introduced into Romanian via Old Church Slavic, the language for religious texts. The Roman alphabet now used in Romanian employs diacritics over certain vowels.

Russians make up the most Slavs, followed by Poles and Ukrainians. There are many small historic Slavic nations like Lusatia (and Lusatian Serbs, typically referred to as Sorbs, who still live in eastern Germany), Rusyn, Kashubia and others.

Why does Romanian look like Latin

Romanian is a Romance language which evolved from Vulgar Latin, that is the everyday Latin spoken in the Roman Empire. In the Balkan Peninsula (south of the Danube) Latin was the language of the military, the administration, commerce, education, etc for seven centuries.Romanian phonology and grammar have developed in rather different directions from those of most other Romance languages because of the language's relative isolation from other Romance languages and its close contact with the Slavic languages as well as Hungarian, Turkish, and Albanian.The Romanian fossils are among the oldest remains of Homo sapiens in Europe. The Neolithic-Age Cucuteni area in northeastern Romania was the western region of one of the earliest European civilizations, known as the Cucuteni–Trypillia culture.

Romanian's Latin Roots:

As the Romans expanded their empire, they brought their language to the territories they conquered, including present-day Romania. Over time, the local population adopted Latin, and it gradually evolved into the Romanian language we know today [2].

Is Romanian more similar to Latin than Italian : Italian is seen to be one of the closest Romance Languages to Vulgar Latin and resembles it closely in syntax compared to Classical Latin words. Is Latin closer to Italian or Spanish – Italian is the closest national language to Latin, followed by Spanish, Romanian, Portuguese, and the most divergent being French.

Is Czech Latin or Cyrillic : Unlike Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian, which use versions of the Greek-based Cyrillic alphabet, Czech uses a modified Latin alphabet with a few diacriticals (accent marks): the háček (ˇ), čárka (´) and kroužek (°).

Why does Romanian sound Latin

The Romanian language descends from the Vulgar Latin dialects spoken in the Roman provinces north of the "Jireček Line" (a proposed notional line separating the predominantly Latin-speaking territories from the Greek-speaking lands in Southeastern Europe) in Late Antiquity.

Russia is now the most powerful and populated Slavic country, but in the 10th century Bulgarians and Czechs were powerful, in 13th and 14th century Serbs were powerful, and in the 16th century Poland was the strongest nation in the area.Slovenia
A member of the European Union since 2004, Slovenia is also part of the Eurozone and is the richest Slavic country per capita.

Why is Romanian so unique : Romanian phonology and grammar have developed in rather different directions from those of most other Romance languages because of the language's relative isolation from other Romance languages and its close contact with the Slavic languages as well as Hungarian, Turkish, and Albanian.