Antwort Is Revan or Nihilus stronger? Weitere Antworten – Could Darth Nihilus beat Darth Revan

Is Revan or Nihilus stronger?
I think Nihilus would easily beat Revan if they ever fought – not due to skill or strength, but because as Kreia said, "There are techniques within the Force against which there is no defence".Even at an early age, Revan's insatiable hunger for knowledge and mastery over the Jedi arts drove him to be the Order's most powerful champion against the Mandalorian threat.While Nihilus is exceptionally powerful, he cannot beat Sidious or Vitiate. Why Because they have too much dark side energy to be absorbed by him.

Who beat Revan : It took a surprise attack from Malak, Sith Emperor and the sith and jedi combined in The Old Republic to stop Revan.

Can Revan beat Vader

Darth Vader, as of his prime in ROTS, eclipsed Yoda, who was more powerful than Revan. If we're talking about Suit Vader, then Revan wins.

Can Revan beat anakin : Revan triumphs in this contest mostly through statistics. He was the greatest warrior of his time, while Anakin was not.

Meetra Surik

Once the power that was keeping him alive was gone, there was nothing left but a fragile shell of something that had once been a man. He was killed by Jedi exile Meetra Surik, Mandalore and reformed Sith Visa Marr. Nihilus and Surik shared a common affliction.

Nihilus was once a Human male with black hair coiled finely into strips that he tied together behind his head. After he indulged his hunger for the dark side he lost his corporeal form, preserving his existence only by having his spirit linger within his mask and armor.

Can Revan beat Anakin

Revan triumphs in this contest mostly through statistics. He was the greatest warrior of his time, while Anakin was not.Darth Revan is pretty much Rey's superior in every way. His Force powers are greater, his lightsaber skills are vastly superior, and he's defeated some of the most formidable warriors in the galaxy. It's doubtful he would have much trouble with her.Nihilus was killed during revan's time and was in fact indirectly created by revan.

Imperial strike team

killed by an Imperial strike team, his dark side, like many Seth before him, refused to let go of life. and he continued as pursuit of the Sith Emperor. he became more dangerous than Vitiate himself.

What is Revan’s real name : His name is Revan. He was taken from his original parents who we dont know the family name of, by the jedi as a child, thus he has no last name.

Who killed Revan : Imperial strike team

killed by an Imperial strike team, his dark side, like many Seth before him, refused to let go of life.

Is Revan good or evil

His redemption does obviously play a role in who he is overall, but Darth Revan, through his invading the Republic and seeking to conquer, was unquestionably evil, albeit perhaps not as evil as other Sith.

Meetra Surik

Once the power that was keeping him alive was gone, there was nothing left but a fragile shell of something that had once been a man. He was killed by Jedi exile Meetra Surik, Mandalore and reformed Sith Visa Marr. Nihilus and Surik shared a common affliction.