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Is quark a God particle?
Quarks are particles that makes up Baryons(Protons & Neutrons) & Mesons(Pions, Kaons etc.) whereas the Higgs Boson, also known as “The God particle” is an excitation of the higgs field(the field that gives mass to other particles including quarks). Quarks are fermions whereas the higgs boson is a boson.The Higgs boson

The Higgs boson is known as the God particle. You can read about the Large Hadron Collider: Purpose, Description and Location in the given link.The photon is a mediator of EM force, having nothing to do with mass. It shares a couple properties, but is completely different in most senses. The Higgs boson (God particle) is a massive excitation of the Higgs (a scalar) field. It is massive, and electromagnetically neutral (no electromagnetic charge).

Do quarks interact with Higgs : ATLAS and CMS have previously observed the interactions of the Higgs boson with the heaviest quarks and leptons, i.e. those of the third generation, which agree with the predictions from the Standard Model within the current measurement precision.

How powerful is a quark

It is much stronger than the three other fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak nuclear forces. Because the strong nuclear force is so powerful, it makes it extremely difficult to separate quarks and gluons. Because of this, quarks and gluons are bound inside composite particles.

Can free quarks exist : The almost universal absence of an observed signal of free quarks leads to the concept of 'confinement': quarks are able to exist in pairs and in triplets inside elementary particles, but it is impossible (according to this hypothesis) to pull them apart and observe them singly.

The particle was detected by both the LHC ATLAS detector and the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector. The announcement of the detection of the Higgs boson was made at CERN in Geneva on July 4, 2012. It took until March the following year to confirm this the detected particle was indeed the Higgs boson.

Antimatter can be found on Earth, although it will not last very long. Antimatter quickly annihilates with matter. An electron and a positron are found in experiments to annihilate and produce two gamma rays. On Earth, and our surrounding galaxy, we know that matter greatly outnumbers antimatter.

How fast is the OMG particle

100 km/h.

The single particle would have had about as much energy as a baseball travelling at 100 km/h. The exact source of such a highly energetic particle is not known, but researchers speculate that it may have originated from either a hot spot in a radio galaxy, a gamma ray burst or a supermassive black hole.The particles which can move at the speed of light are massless particles (photons and gluons). Since Higgs boson is a particle with mass, it can never reach the speed of light. Also on a side note, please refrain from using the misleading terminology, "god particle" and call it by its proper name, Higgs boson.In summary, the colour confinement, a fundamental property of the strong force, ensures that quarks cannot exist freely. They are always found in combinations that result in a net colour charge of zero, confined within hadrons.

Quarks are liberated into quark matter at extremely high temperatures and/or densities, and some of them are still only theoretical as they require conditions so extreme that they cannot be produced in any laboratory, especially not at equilibrium conditions.

Can a quark be destroyed : Quarks are fundamental particle i.e. they are basic building blocks. According to the Standard model of particle physics, you can't break them as they are fundamental.

Can you break a quark : If you mean what happens when a single quark is split it can't be done. Quarks are elementary particles that have no internal structure to split apart and either exist or don't.

Can a single quark exist

Owing to a phenomenon known as color confinement, quarks are never found in isolation; they can be found only within hadrons, which include baryons (such as protons and neutrons) and mesons, or in quark–gluon plasmas. For this reason, much of what is known about quarks has been drawn from observations of hadrons.

If you mean what happens when a single quark is split it can't be done. Quarks are elementary particles that have no internal structure to split apart and either exist or don't.The Higgs boson has a mass of 125 billion electron volts — meaning it is 130 times more massive than a proton , according to CERN. It is also chargeless with zero spin — a quantum mechanical equivalent to angular momentum.

Could the God Particle end the world : The recently discovered Higgs boson, which helps give particles their mass, could have destroyed the cosmos shortly after it was born, causing the universe to collapse just after the Big Bang. But gravity, the force that keeps planets and stars together, might have kept this from happening, scientists say.