Antwort Is Phoenix A real black hole? Weitere Antworten – What is Phoenix A in space

Is Phoenix A real black hole?
Phoenix A is the biggest black hole ever discovered. The black hole was initially detected in 200 BCE. it's located in the Phoenix Cluster 84,500,000,000 light years away.Based on the "total" aperture at the K-band, Phoenix A has an angular diameter of 16.20 arcseconds, corresponding to a large isophotal diameter of 206.1 kiloparsecs (672,200 light-years), making it one of the largest known galaxies discovered from Earth. Phoenix A also contains vast amounts of hot gas.Phoenix-A is the biggest supermassive black hole known to exist – with a mass of 100 billion solar masses, whereas, Ton-618 is of 66 billion solar masses and S5 0014+81 is estimated to be of 40 billion solar masses.

Is TON 618 or Phoenix A biggest black hole : TON 618 is an Ultramassive black hole with a mass of about 66 billion solar masses. Phoenix A is an Ultramassive black hole with a mass of about 100 billion solar masses, making it the largest black hole ever discovered.

Is TON 618 confirmed

It turns out that there is a theoretical limit to the size of black holes — celestial objects so massive that even light cannot escape them. And the largest directly observed black hole with a confirmed mass is right around this limit. This monster, appropriately named TON 618, weighs roughly 40 billion solar masses.

Is Phoenix a confirmed : The Phoenix galaxy cluster contains the first confirmed supermassive black hole that is unable to prevent large numbers of stars from forming in the core of the galaxy cluster where it resides. The Phoenix Cluster system has several distinct elements that help tell the story of its unusually high star formation.

As a quasar, TON 618 is believed to be the active galactic nucleus at the center of a galaxy, the engine of which is a supermassive black hole feeding on intensely hot gas and matter in an accretion disc.

The Phoenix galaxy cluster contains the first confirmed supermassive black hole that is unable to prevent large numbers of stars from forming in the core of the galaxy cluster where it resides. The Phoenix Cluster system has several distinct elements that help tell the story of its unusually high star formation.

What is the real biggest black hole

Until the discovery of Gaia BH3, the largest known stellar black hole in our galaxy was Cygnus X-1, which is 21 times the mass of the sun. While Gaia BH3 is an exceptional find within our galaxy by astronomers' standards, it is similar in mass to objects found in very distant galaxies.Coordinates: 12h 28m 24.97s, +31° 28′ 37.7″ Ton 618 is a hyperluminous, broad-absorption-line, radio-loud quasar and Lyman-alpha blob located near the border of the constellations Canes Venatici and Coma Berenices, with the projected comoving distance of approximately 18.2 billion light-years from Earth.