Antwort Is Orthodox the original? Weitere Antworten – Is the Orthodox Church the original

Is Orthodox the original?
A Brief History

The Orthodox Church is the original Christian Church, the Church founded by the Lord Jesus Christ and described in the pages of the New Testament. Her history can be traced in unbroken continuity all the way back to Christ and His Twelve Apostles.As one of the oldest surviving religious institutions in the world, the Eastern Orthodox Church has played an especially prominent role in the history and culture of Eastern and Southeastern Europe.The Orthodox Church is the original Christian Church founded by Jesus and continued by his Apostles. It is the same Church described in the Bible as the Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ (1 Corinthians 12 : 27; Ephesians 5 : 23–25).

Is original sin in orthodoxy : In the Orthodox Christian understanding, while humanity does bear the consequences of the original, or first, sin, humanity does not bear the personal guilt associated with this sin. Adam and Eve are guilty of their willful action; we bear the consequences, chief of which is death.

Who are the original Orthodox

The Orthodox Church consists historically of the local Churches of the Eastern Roman empire, including Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem, as well as the Churches that came into being as a result of their missions. During the first millennium of Christianity, this communion included the Church of Rome.

Why is Catholicism better than Orthodox : Catholics historically, at least in the past 500 years, have invested more than Orthodox in evangelism, world missions, work with the poor, and issues of social justice. Orthodox liturgy—its fast pace and repetitions—leaves me feeling like I am lost in a foreign country.

Historically, the presence of what is now called Orthodox Christianity in the Slavic portions of Eastern Europe dates to the ninth century, when, according to church tradition, missionaries from the Byzantine Empire's capital in Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey) spread the faith deeper into Europe.

The Orthodox Church is the one Church founded by Jesus Christ and his apostles, begun at the day of Pentecost with the descent of the Holy Spirit in A.D. 33.

Who founded orthodox

The Orthodox Church is the one Church founded by Jesus Christ and his apostles, begun at the day of Pentecost with the descent of the Holy Spirit in A.D. 33.For example, the Catholic Church considers itself the one true church and the Holy See as pre-denominational. The Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Oriental Orthodox Church also considers itself the original Christian church along with the Catholic church.Concerning the original—or “first”—sin, that commited by Adam and Eve, Orthodoxy believes that, while everyone bears the consequences of the first sin, the foremost of which is death, only Adam and Eve are guilty of that sin.

In the Orthodox view, guilt can only result from an act which one has committed. We can't sin for another person. We believe that we need a savior to overcome death and our separation from God, to be forgiven our own transgressions, but not to be forgiven for Adam's transgression.

Who invented Orthodox : The Orthodox Church is the one Church founded by Jesus Christ and his apostles, begun at the day of Pentecost with the descent of the Holy Spirit in A.D. 33.

Is Russia more orthodox or Catholic : Russian Orthodoxy

Christianity in Russia as of (Sreda Arena Atlas)
Russian Orthodoxy 86.7%
Other Orthodox 3.2%
Old Believers 0.6%
Roman Catholic 0.2%

How is Russian Orthodox different than Catholic

The primary theological difference is that the Catholic Church believes the Holy Spirit proceeds from God the Father to Jesus Christ the Son, and the Orthodox Church believes the Holy Spirit proceeds only from God the Father.

The Orthodox Church is the one Church founded by Jesus Christ and his apostles, begun at the day of Pentecost with the descent of the Holy Spirit in A.D. 33.The Orthodox Church consists historically of the local Churches of the Eastern Roman empire, including Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem, as well as the Churches that came into being as a result of their missions. During the first millennium of Christianity, this communion included the Church of Rome.

When did orthodox begin : Historically, the presence of what is now called Orthodox Christianity in the Slavic portions of Eastern Europe dates to the ninth century, when, according to church tradition, missionaries from the Byzantine Empire's capital in Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey) spread the faith deeper into Europe.