Antwort Is Grey Jedi canon or not? Weitere Antworten – Is the Gray Jedi canon

Is Grey Jedi canon or not?
The actual term of "Gray Jedi" is not Canon. This much has been stated by Since we have no Canon term that is equivalent of Gray Jedi, we continue to use the term.Gray Jedi called on the dark side of the Force, but were not corrupted by it and did not embrace it entirely. In fact, some Gray Jedi opposed those who embraced the dark side; Bindo fought against the Sith Empire during the Great Sith War and again during the Jedi Civil War.The term “gray Jedi” in Star Wars is somewhat of a misnomer, considering that the definition refers to one who is practically non-Jedi. That being said, quite a few Jedi can be placed into this category. But Mace Windu identified as a Jedi despite his possible inclusion in the "gray" category.

Was Qui Gon a Grey Jedi : In material that is now considered Legends, Qui-Gon is even described as a Gray Jedi. Additionally, the term has also been applied to Force-sensitives who aren't affiliated with the Light or Dark side of the Force. Quite literally, these Gray Jedi don't see things in black and white, or light versus dark.

Why don’t Gray Jedi exist

The idea of a Gray Jedi, who uses both the Force and the dark side, doesn't work in either continuity because it assumes that the dark side can be used without eventually succumbing to its corruption.

Is Cal Kestis canon : Yes, Cal Kestis canon in Star Wars.

Cal Kestis is revealed to have survived the event that doomed the galaxy, killed many Jedi, and sent some Jedi such as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda into hiding. Obi-Wan himself made a brief cameo appearance in Jedi: Fallen Order via archive footage.

When the Jedi Council refused to fight the Mandalorian invaders, Revan disobeyed the Council to fight the Mandalorians. This led to him becoming a Gray Jedi as he incorporated skills from both the Light and Dark Sides of the Force.

Ahsoka Tano and Anakin Skywalker can be considered gray Jedi because they possess traits of both Jedi and Sith philosophies and can traverse both sides of the Force.

Has Anakin met Cal Kestis

So of course right here the red-haired youngling who trailed Jared to Paul is none other than calcast. As during this time just after the events of episode 2 and the Battle of

Although the canon color of the weapon's blade is blue, its kyber crystal can be customized with the other possible colors of green, orange, purple, yellow, indigo, cyan, and magenta.Imperial strike team

killed by an Imperial strike team, his dark side, like many Seth before him, refused to let go of life.

Ahsoka Tano and Anakin Skywalker can be considered gray Jedi because they possess traits of both Jedi and Sith philosophies and can traverse both sides of the Force.

Who is Cal Kestis canon : Yes, Cal Kestis canon in Star Wars.

Cal Kestis is revealed to have survived the event that doomed the galaxy, killed many Jedi, and sent some Jedi such as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda into hiding. Obi-Wan himself made a brief cameo appearance in Jedi: Fallen Order via archive footage.

Is Cal Kestis a Starkiller : Cal Kestis and Starkiller come from vastly different places, but they may be two sides of the same coin. One was forged by Vader while the other one was forged by rebellion, but they both ultimately do what is right in the end.

Are Dark Jedi canon

Many of the original Dark Jedi became non-canon when the Star Wars Expanded Universe was rebranded as Legends in 2014 until one canon source made it possible for one of the darkest EU villains to return to the franchise.

Is Cal Kestis Canon The short answer is yes. Any Star Wars media that has been officially produced by Disney studios, starting from April 25th, 2014, is considered canon to the series' timeline.Rather than leaving Revan to die, Bastila took him to the Jedi Council, who wiped his mind and gave him a new identity as a Republic soldier.

Is Revan good or evil : His redemption does obviously play a role in who he is overall, but Darth Revan, through his invading the Republic and seeking to conquer, was unquestionably evil, albeit perhaps not as evil as other Sith.