Antwort Is blue whale big or megalodon? Weitere Antworten – Is a megalodon bigger than a blue whale

Is blue whale big or megalodon?
Answer and Explanation: No, a megalodon is not bigger than a blue whale. The blue whale is the largest animal to have ever lived. Female blue whales reach a length of about 82 feet, and males are typically about 79 feet on average. However, megalodons were large, probably about 59 feet in length.Megalodon, an ancient shark, had such a huge appetite that it could have swallowed an 8-metre-long whale in just a few bites, according to the first 3D reconstruction of the predator.The largest accurately measured whale shark was 61.7 feet (18.8 m). The average length is between 18 and 32 feet (5.5-9.8 m). Newborns measure 21 to 25 inches (53-64 cm) long.

Can a blue whale defeat a Megalodon : Unfortunately (or fortunately) we'll never truly know for sure which of these Apex ocean-dwellers would win. However, it seems pretty obvious that the odds are stacked in the favor of the ferocious (and now extinct) Megalodon Shark.

What killed the megalodon

As ice formed at the poles and the sea level dropped, these pupping grounds would have been destroyed. A study from 2022 suggests that competition with great white sharks for food may also have contributed to megalodon's downfall. Studies of fossilised megalodon and great white teeth show that their diets overlapped.

Can a blue whale defeat a megalodon : Unfortunately (or fortunately) we'll never truly know for sure which of these Apex ocean-dwellers would win. However, it seems pretty obvious that the odds are stacked in the favor of the ferocious (and now extinct) Megalodon Shark.

Estimates suggest megalodon actually grew to between 15 and 18 metres in length, three times longer than the largest recorded great white shark. It may have been comparable in length to today's biggest whale sharks, the largest of which has measured in at 18.8 metres.

Megalodons are larger than whale sharks, but the largest shark alive is a whale shark.

Who can beat megalodon

Megalodon was a fish, and had almost zero intelligence. Whales are mammals, and as such, perfectly able on coordination, cooperation and concentrated assaults. Even a pod of six orcas would be more than capable on killing a Megalodon; they simply gang-up it and ram its gills.The cooling of the planet may have contributed to the extinction of the megalodon in a number of ways. As the adult sharks were dependent on tropical waters, the drop in ocean temperatures likely resulted in a significant loss of habitat.Is the megalodon still alive 'No. It's definitely not alive in the deep oceans, despite what the Discovery Channel has said in the past,' notes Emma. 'If an animal as big as megalodon still lived in the oceans we would know about it.

Megalodons are extinct. They died out about 3.5 million years ago.

Could megalodon still exist : Is the megalodon still alive 'No. It's definitely not alive in the deep oceans, despite what the Discovery Channel has said in the past,' notes Emma. 'If an animal as big as megalodon still lived in the oceans we would know about it.

What killed megalodons : Global water temperature dropped; that reduced the area where megalodon, a warm-water shark, could thrive. Second, because of the changing climate, entire species that megalodon preyed upon vanished forever. At the same time, competitors helped push megalodon to extinction – that includes the great white shark.

What is the 3 biggest shark

The 10 Largest Sharks

  1. Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) 55.7 feet / 17 m.
  2. Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus) 49.8 feet / 15.2 m.
  3. Megamouth Shark (Megachasma pelagios) 25 feet / 7.6 meters.
  4. Tiger Shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) 24.6 feet / 7.5 m.
  5. Greenland Shark (Somniosus microcephalus) 24 feet / 7.3 m.

One recent theory suggested that megalodon died off during a mass extinction event caused by a supernova 150 light years away that irradiated and heated our planet 2.6 million years ago. Research indicated that the radiation would have penetrated into the deep seas and persisted for years, killing animals en masse.If O. megalodon and T. rex were to somehow meet after the shark threw itself onto the land, then it doesn't seem like the dinosaur would stand a chance. The aquatic beast is bigger than it in every dimension, and more than capable of crunching through tough bones.

Is there still 1 megalodon left : Weighing as much as 30 large great white sharks, the megalodon is one frightening-looking fish. Luckily, it went extinct some 2.5 million years ago, so you don't have to worry about seeing one today!