Antwort How to make money in Supremacy 1914? Weitere Antworten – How to earn money in Supremacy 1914

How to make money in Supremacy 1914?

  1. 1.1 Selling resources for a price you define:
  2. 1.2 Buying resources that are offered on the stockmarket:
  3. 1.3 Request resources for a price that you define:
  4. 1.4 Sell resources to someone who has made a request:

Goldmark is the premium currency in Supremacy 1914 which can be obtained by completing the turorial, by winning game rounds and by purchasing it via the in-game shop or the Mobile Shop.Resource production is dependent on the contentedness or morale in a province. Both, morale and production can be boosted by providing additional infrastructure to the province. Food: Food is the most important resource in Europe and it is needed in large amounts by your people.

How to speed up supremacy in 1914 : You can increase movement speed of your troops by 50% by issuing a "forced march" command.

What is the best country to start in Supremacy 1914

A good country to start with would be an african country although this will vary on your playing style. South USA and North Canada each have 1 neighbour, and they can focus all their firepower on that neighbour. Libya and Arabia generally perform well, as well as have access to lots of Oil.

How long does it take to win Supremacy 1914 : Supremacy 1914 is played in single matches (or 'game rounds') which may take two to eight weeks to finish and pit up to 500 players against each other in real-time combat.

Balloons are a gold unit of S1914, and are tools for reconnaissance and can largely improve the range of sight of ground units, but they possess hardly any attack or defense strength. Thanks to their high range of sight you can detect enemy units much easier and faster.

Being more heavily armored, and powerful than the Armored Car , the Tank is thus slower, however, in a fight, a tank in much more useful than an AC.

What is the best country to pick in Supremacy 1914

A good country to start with would be an african country although this will vary on your playing style. South USA and North Canada each have 1 neighbour, and they can focus all their firepower on that neighbour. Libya and Arabia generally perform well, as well as have access to lots of Oil.Supremacy 1914 is played in single matches (or 'game rounds') which may take two to eight weeks to finish and pit up to 500 players against each other in real-time combat.two to eight weeks

Supremacy 1914 is played in single matches (or 'game rounds') which may take two to eight weeks to finish and pit up to 500 players against each other in real-time combat.

Given the chance, you should recruit cavalry. These are some of the best units in the game. They cost relatively little compared to other units, do not require oil, move quickly, and have 2.4 strength, making them more than 2x stronger than infantry and armoured cars.

Are railguns worth it in Supremacy 1914 : Railguns, though not the most powerful weapon in the game, are the most powerful Artillery piece with a range far superior to the standard Artillery and the sea-faring Battleship.

How old was Supremacy in 1914 : We encourage you to join the community by registering an account! Supremacy 1914, also referred to as S1914, is a multiplayer online strategy game set in the First World War. Development on the game began in 2006 by BytroLabs and remained in beta until 2009 when the first version was formally released.

Should you take the capital first in Supremacy 1914

Sack the enemy capital if it will not cause too many losses. You will receive much of their money. However, if you are sweeping up an entire AI country, you may wish to save the capital for last.

Other effecs: Reduces damage inflicted on your armies by hostile armies and if level 3 or greater, hides your armies from view. Fortresses are an extremely important and cheap upgrade for your provinces.Airplanes are perfect for aerial reconnaissance, bombing enemy units and for air raid defenses over your provinces.

Who was the strongest in 1914 : The world's most powerful nations in 1914 were without a doubt the United Kingdom and the German Empire. The British Empire had colonies or semi-independent Dominions on every populated continent, which together formed the largest economy on the planet.