Antwort How much will it cost to go to the Moon? Weitere Antworten – How much would a trip to the Moon cost

How much will it cost to go to the Moon?
But if $450,000 sounds like a lot of money to you, you'd better sit down before I tell you how much it will cost NASA to send astronauts to the moon again. $4.1 billion per four-person flight. That's $1,025,000,000 per astronaut.But in 1970 future Apollo missions were cancelled. Apollo 17 became the last crewed mission to the Moon, for an indefinite amount of time. The main reason for this was money. The cost of getting to the Moon was, ironically, astronomical.NASA's unique mission provides benefits in big and small ways. Dollars spent for space exploration create jobs, jumpstart businesses, and grow the economy.

How long does it take to go to the Moon : about 3 days

It takes about 3 days for a spacecraft to reach the Moon. During that time a spacecraft travels at least 240,000 miles (386,400 kilometers) which is the distance between Earth and the Moon. The specific distance depends on the specific path chosen.

Can you buy tickets to the moon

Tickets to travel on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft to the moon will cost $200 million for a solo trip, or $100 million per ticket for a two-person flight. Space Adventures has identified approximately 1,000 people with the financial capablity to afford the flight.

How much is a moon flight : The Apollo program spent $25 billion to put 12 men on the moon. This is about $2 billion / person in 1972 dollars. There has been 474% inflation since 1972. This would put the current cost at roughly $9 billion per person.

NASA had turned its attention away from the moon after the last Apollo mission in 1972 to focus on the space shuttle, the International Space Station and other goals. Various administrations proposed returning to the moon, but those programs didn't survive political headwinds.

NASA, lawmakers and the public are not willing to take on that level of risk again, especially after the Challenger and Columbia disasters. The Apollo missions expended enormous sums of money to send astronauts to the lunar surface for a few dozen hours.

Why is NASA’s budget so low

Budgets are tight at NASA, especially for its science programs. NASA's Science Mission Directorate sought an increase of nearly half a billion dollars in its fiscal year 2024 budget proposal last year, but when Congress passed a final spending bill March 8, it instead got a cut of the same magnitude.By this method, the moon's 9.3 billion acres are worth approximately $180 billion.about 29.5 Earth days

The Moon rotates very slowly. In fact, the Moon rotates on its axis once for every orbit it makes around Earth. So one day on the Moon is about 29.5 Earth days.

Virgin Galactic launched its first space tourism flight for paying customers on August 10. It marks a new era in space tourism for the company, with monthly flights expected to follow. Space tourism is a growing industry for the rich. Seats on a Virgin Galactic flight cost $450,000 each.

Can I pay for a trip to the moon : Lunar tourism may be possible in the future if trips to the Moon are made available to a private audience. Some space tourism startup companies are planning to offer tourism on or around the Moon, and estimate this to be possible sometime between 2023 and 2043.

Can you buy tickets to the Moon : Tickets to travel on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft to the moon will cost $200 million for a solo trip, or $100 million per ticket for a two-person flight. Space Adventures has identified approximately 1,000 people with the financial capablity to afford the flight.

What does Moon cost

"The mare constitutes around 15% of the lunar surface, making the total value of the moon… $4 quadrillion." Thinking about it another way, that much He-3 could theoretically supply U.S. electricity demand for 80,000 years.

NASA, lawmakers and the public are not willing to take on that level of risk again, especially after the Challenger and Columbia disasters. The Apollo missions expended enormous sums of money to send astronauts to the lunar surface for a few dozen hours.China has already conducted three successful robotic lunar landings with the Chang'e 3, 4 and 5 missions. China's moon landing plan is to launch two Long March 10 rockets, with one for the lander and another for the crew spacecraft.

Is the US flag still on the Moon : There are actually six flags on the moon left by astronauts of the Apollo Program, and based on images from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, five are still standing. After decades of constant exposure to the direct, unfiltered rays of the sun, they are almost certainly severely bleached.