Antwort How many days does Supremacy 1914 last? Weitere Antworten – How long can a Supremacy 1914 game last

How many days does Supremacy 1914 last?
Supremacy 1914 is played in single matches (or 'game rounds') which may take two to eight weeks to finish and pit up to 500 players against each other in real-time combat.In the opening of the game, you are assigned a country, then you acquire territory from there, building your provinces and balancing your resources. A single game can last 90 days or so, and if you get a good bunch of people playing, it can be a challenge.50 games

In Supremacy 1914 you can play up to 50 games at the same time. The following chapter shows you how to find or create the right game.

What is the best country to start in Supremacy 1914 : A good country to start with would be an african country although this will vary on your playing style. South USA and North Canada each have 1 neighbour, and they can focus all their firepower on that neighbour. Libya and Arabia generally perform well, as well as have access to lots of Oil.

How old was Supremacy in 1914

We encourage you to join the community by registering an account! Supremacy 1914, also referred to as S1914, is a multiplayer online strategy game set in the First World War. Development on the game began in 2006 by BytroLabs and remained in beta until 2009 when the first version was formally released.

Is Supremacy 1914 in real time : Players can play as Wilhelm II or change history however they like. In Supremacy the imagination and skill are the only limits! Up to 500 players can compete in real time on historical and fictional scenarios.

To End a game there are 4 possible ways; Victory Points (VP) total for victory are reached. The win condition of holding the Control Points for a certain amount of days in Dominion games is fulfilled by a player. The game round timer reaches 0.

Other effects: There can only be one capital in each country. The capital is a required province upgrade. There can only be one capital per country, but it can be moved to another province.

What happens if you take a country’s capital in Supremacy 1914

When you take the capital each territory previously owned by that country will get a 10% morale bonus instantly.The world's most powerful nations in 1914 were without a doubt the United Kingdom and the German Empire. The British Empire had colonies or semi-independent Dominions on every populated continent, which together formed the largest economy on the planet.I rarely ever play this game because whenever I do, it takes over my life. I'm glued to my monitor constantly checking. This gets especially worse in the mid to late game where I find myself waking up in the middle of the night to do stuff when I'm at war with someone.

3 hours

Just move your naval unit on the ground and they disembark. It will takes 3 hours on own land and 4.5 on enemy land. While disembarking they are considered on sea so with reduced strength. Disembarking units are considered naval units so the damage vs naval applies.

Are fortresses good in Supremacy 1914 : Other effecs: Reduces damage inflicted on your armies by hostile armies and if level 3 or greater, hides your armies from view. Fortresses are an extremely important and cheap upgrade for your provinces.

Can I build two capitals in Supremacy 1914 : Other effects: There can only be one capital in each country. The capital is a required province upgrade. There can only be one capital per country, but it can be moved to another province.

What happens if you force march in Supremacy 1914

You can increase movement speed of your troops by 50% by issuing a "forced march" command. However, they will lose 5% of their morale every hour. Dragging your army on an enemy army or city will change the move command into an attack command.

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.four years

For four years, from 1914 to 1918, World War I raged across Europe's western and eastern fronts after growing tensions and then the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria ignited the war.

How long are days of supremacy in 1914 : – The game pauses for 8 hours every real-life day. – Pausing time period will be indicated on the map so the player chooses the map with their preferred time frame break. – To compensate for the time the map was paused the speed of the map adjusts to 1.5 so it runs a full game day in the time frame of 16 hours.