Antwort How long can I stay in Spain as a EU citizen? Weitere Antworten – How long can EU citizens live in Spain

How long can I stay in Spain as a EU citizen?
five years

With a temporary residence, you can stay for more than 90 days but less than five years. After five years, you will be able to renew your residence for a permanent one that will grant you the right to work and reside permanently. What happens after five years of residency in SpainCitizens of a Member State of the European Union and family members who are not EU Member State nationals acquire the right of permanent residence in Spain if they have lived there legally for a continuous period of five years.To move from one EU country to another for more than 90 days, you will need a long-stay visa or a residence permit for that country. If you wish to work, study or join your family in the second country, you may have to fulfil more conditions.

How long can an EU citizen stay in France : 3 months

As a citizen of a country of the European Economic Area (EEA) or if you are Swiss, you have the possibility to settle in France beyond 3 months. The residence card giving out your rights is not mandatory, but can be useful.

Can I live in Spain if I have an EU passport

European Economic Area (EEA) and European Union (EU) citizens can live in Spain without a visa, but there is some paperwork to complete. And non-EU family members can move to Spain too.

Can any EU citizen live in Spain : If you're from an EU country or Switzerland, you're in luck! You can skip the visa application process and freely live, work, and study anywhere in Spain. British citizens residing in the country before January 1, 2021, can register for residency with the Spanish border services, Servicio de Extranjería.

In calculating the proof of income for non-lucrative residency, you must have an annual income of 400% of IPREM in your bank account. The IPREM for 2023 is €600 per month. Therefore, as an individual, you will need to have €2,400 as a regular guaranteed monthly income or a yearly income of €28,800.

Penalties for Overstaying Your 90 Days in the EU

All of the member states apply at least one of the following types of penalties for overstaying a Schengen visa or a permitted stay. Penalties for overstaying can include fine, deportation or entry bans. These bans range anywhere from a few months to several years.

How can I stay longer than 90 days in Europe

Apply at the embassy, high commission or consulate of the country where you'll stay the longest. If you're staying for the same length of time in each country, apply at the embassy of the country you'll visit first. You'll need to apply for a visa if: you're planning to stay for more than 90 days.If you are married to an EU citizen and are travelling with your spouse to or within the Schengen Area, you may find you're exempt from the 90/180-day rule for any period where you travel together. You should check with the country you are visiting before travel to confirm the paperwork that would be required.Citizens who are EU nationals can travel within the area visa-free and with no restrictions on the amount of time they spend in each country. Non-EEA nationals can travel to Schengen without a visa, but they cannot stay for longer than 90 days in 180.

Entry bans – If you're caught travelling in Spain – or any other Schengen country – past the 90-day period, you could be banned from re-entering for up to 3 years. Spain is fighting to end the 180 day rule but it would need the support of all European Union member staties.

Is Spain scrapping the 90 Day rule : Spain is pushing the European Union to scrap the 90 day rule which means that non-resident Britons can only spend 180 days in the country in two blocks of two. The ruling has hit British holiday home owners hard and is said to be costing the Spanish government millions.

Do EU citizens need a visa for Spain : They also need a national visa when moving to Spain to work for a period of under 90 days. Citizens of the European Union or of the States of the European Economic Area or Switzerland do not need a visa to establish their residence in Spain or for long-term studies or to work.

Is Spain dropping the 90 day rule

Spain dropped the 90-day rule.

They feel it isn't reasonable for those non-EU citizens who want to spend more time in Spain, whether for leisure or work. However, there is no guarantee that this will happen since the ruling is there to prevent illegal immigration.

The 90-day regulation is enforced across the whole Schengen countries, and not just in Spain. In that case, if you spend 90 days in Spain, you cannot simply hop over to France or Italy and stay for another 90 days. Your stay in these countries is counted towards your 90-day limit.If you wish to be in Spain for longer than 90 days every 180, you must apply for a visa before you enter the country. There's a variety of visa options for both short and long-term stays. Read about long-term Spanish visas.

Is Spain dropping the 90-day rule : Spain dropped the 90-day rule.

They feel it isn't reasonable for those non-EU citizens who want to spend more time in Spain, whether for leisure or work. However, there is no guarantee that this will happen since the ruling is there to prevent illegal immigration.