Antwort How far can a 50 cal shoot? Weitere Antworten – How far will a 50 cal bullet travel straight up

How far can a 50 cal shoot?
The bullet will have to overcome the force of gravity and drag. The . 50 BMG is listed as having a maximum ceiling of about 15,000 ft with a bullet weighing 1.71 oz and a muzzle velocity of about 2900 f/s.It must HIT you. Small arms ammunition, even a 50 BMG will cause you no harm unless they hit you, hit something near you that fragments and hits you. it is a Old Wives Tale that it can hurt you by passing too close to you. It can literally pass right by your face it will not hurt you.50BMG round can slice through body armor like a knife through warm butter, knock down hovering helicopters, rip up armored limousines, destroy radar dishes, and ignite bulk fuel tanks—all at the length of 10 football fields.

Can you survive a 50 cal : If you get hit a fifty caliber bullet fired out of an old musket, or black powder deer rifle, you will probably live, unless it hits in your vitals, so long as you get good prompt medical care. If you get hit by one fired out of a fifty caliber machine gun, you will die, unless you get hit in the arm or leg.

Do snipers use 50 cal

Fifty caliber is the largest round of ammunition generally available to American civilians today. Fifty caliber anti-armor sniper rifles are specifically designed to engage and destroy materiel targets on the battlefield at long range.

Has anyone survived a 50-cal bullet : Yes, and this includes hits to the torso. Most well known is the founder of Delta Force, Charlie Beckwith, who was hit by a Vietnamese 12.7mm anti-aircraft gun. There are a few other cases of people surviving direct hits from a . 50 caliber heavy machinegun.

Contrary to a persistent misconception within the United States Armed Forces, using .50 BMG directly against enemy personnel is not prohibited by the laws of war.

A single bullet, depending on caliber and distance, will cause anything from a dent to a hole. A . 50 caliber bullet from an M2 Browning machine gun will definitely make a hole, most likely even through the engine block.

What is the max range of a 50-cal

around 6,700 meters

While the maximum effective range of the . 50 cal BMG is 1,800 meters, and snipers have managed to weaponize math to stretch that much further, physics dictates that the maximum range of the . 50 cal is limited to around 6,700 meters; or about 4.16 miles.Fifty caliber is the largest round of ammunition generally available to American civilians today. Fifty caliber anti-armor sniper rifles are specifically designed to engage and destroy materiel targets on the battlefield at long range.Officially, the effective range of a . 50 cal sniper rifle is 1,800 meters – or about 1.1 miles. However, two of the longest confirmed shots in sniping history have been with . 50 cal rifles, at 3,540 meters (a hair over 2 miles) and 2,815 meters (1.75 miles).

50 BMG ammo. In WWII, the P-51 accounted for 4,950 aircraft destroyed. Through the 1950's it was the de-facto standard for a light ground based anti-aircraft weapon and an aircraft mounted weapon, so it definitely can hurt aircraft.

What can stop a 50 cal sniper : Hard armor systems “strikeface” along with a composite blend can be the perfect armor against calibers up to 50 caliber ball and armor-piercing rounds. These products can absorb up to 72 to 75% of the energy from most rounds in the ball format and 68 to 78% of the kinetic energy from armor-piercing rounds.

Can 50 cal destroy jet : 50 BMG ammo. In WWII, the P-51 accounted for 4,950 aircraft destroyed. Through the 1950's it was the de-facto standard for a light ground based anti-aircraft weapon and an aircraft mounted weapon, so it definitely can hurt aircraft.

Can 50 cal penetrate walls

However, if you want your bullet to go the distance, using a 50-caliber round is your best bet for penetrating a brick wall.

Officially, the effective range of a . 50 cal sniper rifle is 1,800 meters – or about 1.1 miles. However, two of the longest confirmed shots in sniping history have been with . 50 cal rifles, at 3,540 meters (a hair over 2 miles) and 2,815 meters (1.75 miles).The .50 BMG round can produce between 10,000 and 15,000 foot-pounds force (14,000 and 20,000 J), depending on its powder and bullet type, as well as the weapon it is fired from.

Which sniper has the longest range : The shot by Mr Kovalskiy, spanning 12,468 feet, covered a distance greater than that of two Brooklyn Bridges in approximately 9 seconds. The Ukrainian sniper who killed a Russian soldier from a record 3.8 kilometres (around 2.3 miles) is a 58-year-old ex-businessman, Vyacheslav Kovalskiy.