Antwort How does it feel to have no tongue? Weitere Antworten – How does it feel to have a split tongue

How does it feel to have no tongue?
You will have to learn how to talk without slurring, and relearn how to control your tongue now that it is split. At first, it will feel awkward and peculiar. In a short time, it will feel very natural. You may begin using the two halves of your tongue independently.So more good news for you: It's totally reversible. In fact, if the exposed flesh isn't closed properly after the split (either with sutures or cauterization), your tongue will just go ahead and remerge on its own [source: Loftus].Splitting may be reversed surgically by removal of sutures, excision of healed tissue on edges, and re-suturing the tongue together. Once healed, muscle control of the individual sides can be gained with practice if the split is sufficiently deep.

What happens if you lose your tongue : If you had a small amount of tongue removed, you may be able to eat by mouth. However, if you had a large amount of tongue removed, you will not be able to eat anything through your mouth right after surgery. Instead, you will have a gastrostomy feeding tube.

Why is tongue splitting illegal

Simply put, tongue splitting is mutilation of the human body, and because it can be a very painful and dangerous procedure and provides no medical benefit, a person should not be allowed to split another person's tongue.

Can you talk if you had no tongue : Removing these types of cancers can affect how patients breathe, swallow, and talk. But, with a lot of practice, anything is possible. Talking without a tongue is possible.

Some sounds are made using your lips, so you may be able to make sounds such as b, m, p, w after a glossectomy. When part of the tongue is removed, it can be hard to speak and be understood by others. The Speech-Language Pathologist will assess your ability to speak clearly.

It depends on how much of your tongue your surgeon had to remove. People who've had a partial glossectomy may still be able to form most sounds and words. Those who've had a total glossectomy will need to use a pen and paper or technology (such as a tablet or computer) to communicate.

Can you still taste without a tongue

Despite being born without a tongue, I can speak and swallow and taste just like anyone else. I have the base of the tongue and the muscle on the floor of my mouth, which I can move up and down, but other than that, there's nothing there at all. Not all people with this condition are lucky enough to be able to talk.Without our tongues, life would be quite a hassle. We wouldn't be able to hold a conversation with each other… We wouldn't be able to eat or swallow properly… But worst of all, we wouldn't be able to taste our food. The thought alone is enough to make you shiver!If you had a small amount of tongue removed, you may be able to eat by mouth. However, if you had a large amount of tongue removed, you will not be able to eat anything through your mouth right after surgery. Instead, you will have a gastrostomy feeding tube. The first day after surgery the tube is clamped.

Will it be painful There may be some pain at first after surgery. Often this is slight and will be well controlled with painkillers. Different parts of the body heal at different rates and you may need painkillers on discharge until you feel comfortable.

What happens if I lose my tongue : They'll reconstruct your tongue with tissue from somewhere else on your body. To ensure blood flow, your surgeon will connect any remaining blood vessels to the new piece of tissue. In some cases, your surgeon can create a new tongue. To do this, they'll take a tissue graft from your forearm, chest or thigh.

Can you talk if you have no tongue : Removing these types of cancers can affect how patients breathe, swallow, and talk. But, with a lot of practice, anything is possible. Talking without a tongue is possible.

Can you talk normally without a tongue

Can you talk after a glossectomy It depends on how much of your tongue your surgeon had to remove. People who've had a partial glossectomy may still be able to form most sounds and words. Those who've had a total glossectomy will need to use a pen and paper or technology (such as a tablet or computer) to communicate.

You don't have to use your tongue through the entire make out session. If you want to just kiss without tongue too, it's totally fine.It's more of a passageway than a tongue like I had before, but it has some feeling to it. I can taste fairly well because there are taste buds all over your mouth, not just on your tongue. A lot of taste is through smell and mine must be excellent, because I still taste and enjoy food.

Can you still talk without a tongue : Can you talk after a glossectomy It depends on how much of your tongue your surgeon had to remove. People who've had a partial glossectomy may still be able to form most sounds and words. Those who've had a total glossectomy will need to use a pen and paper or technology (such as a tablet or computer) to communicate.